04 Oct 2012
How has your week been???
Please comment below or email ([email protected]) your food log for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. This way we can break down your diet and tweak a few things if need be. Please also put down if you did crossfit or some other activity that day, and add your email at the bottom!
We hope you are all doing well!!!
Below is a new update MASTER FOOD LIST
Check it out!
Paleo Challenge Food Guide Sept 2012
Tbear and Dash
03 Oct 2012
Test Day Thursday!
It’s test day Thursday and today we are taking down Diane!!
After the glutes and hammy’s are nice and warm we are going to hit some heavy deadlifts. Build maximal tension throughout your entire body before you pull the bar off the floor and make sure that you stay tight as hell for the entire set. We will work up to a heavy 3 rep max and try for 3 sets of 3.
Coaches and athletes.. if you want a refresher on the deadlift and it’s many variations, check out this awesome link, How to Deadlift, from the strength site Diesel Strength and Conditioning.
Thursday Lesson Plan.
Set the timer for 10 minutes and perform the following 3 exercises at your own pace.
backward sled drag – 1-2 lengths of the gym
band good mornings – 10-15 reps
band lateral walk – 10-15 reps each direction
Deadlift – 10, 8, 6, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3
WOD: Diane
21, 15, 9
Handstand Push-Ups
Benny, Bill, and the Pink Pig!
02 Oct 2012
30 Day Muscle-Up Challenge
The muscle-up. It’s one of those “separator” movements in Crossfit. Some have it already and many more aren’t quite there yet. Well today’s the day to make a plan to break on through to the other side.
The Challenge:
Every day for 30 days you put in progressively more volume towards getting a muscle up. We’re going to work with two movements. The knuckles-to-nipples ring pull ups (KtNRPU) we did on Monday and deep ring dips (DRD). Here’s what a sample program would look like.
Day 1: 5 KtNRPU, 5 DRD
Day 2: 6 KtNRPU, 6 DRD
Day 30: 34 KtNRPU, 34 DRD
These don’t all have to be done at one time. Do a few in your warm-up. Throw a few more in during you tech session in class. Do a few more after your WOD. There’s no limit to the number of sets you can take to get it done, just get it done. Every day.
Now, 5 might be too low of a starting point for you or too high. No big deal. Even if you just start at one of each you’ll end up doing 930 reps by the time the challenge is up.
All that’s left after that is working on the transition. Coaches will give you some good pointers on that during today’s tech session.
Who’s in?
Wednesday’s Lesson Plan:
3 times through the following
1 length samson lunges
15 kettle bell swings
accumulate 20 secs in an L-sit hold (either on rings or parallettes)
accumulate 20 secs in a handstand hold (or piked variation)
Muscle-up Progressions
If your muscle-ups are already great go ahead and work up to some high box jumps.
For Time: 10-8-6-4-2
Box Jumps (30″/24″)
01 Oct 2012
East Van Barbell Club
The East Van Barbell Club is coming to The School Of Fitness!!
In 2 weeks, we will be starting the East Van Barbell Club, an old school, no B.S. strength program that will follow the training principles used by Louie Simmons and the crew at Westside Barbell and focus on the lifts in Mark Rippetoe’s book, Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training. This will be an on going 2x/week program that will take place every Tuesday @ 7pm and Saturday @ 12pm.
The EVBBC will be all inclusive but limited to only 30 diehards the first time around. If you’re interested, please send an email to: ben@crossfit.ca
Today’s Lesson Plan:
3 rounds:
200M run
20 mountain climbers
20 glute bridges
1 min plank hold
Sprint Posture Drills
10 x 20M sprints (focusing on fast arms and high knees)
rest approx. 1 minute between sprints
W.O.D. Atrium of Pain
2 rounds for time:
25 squats
20 sit-ups
15 push-ups
10 pull-ups
800M run
Bill, Benny, Patty
01 Oct 2012
Upcoming Closures/Schedule Changes
This coming weekend we have a Level One Cert being held at the school and it is also Thanksgiving.
Due to this there are changes to the schedule.
Saturday October 6th: Classes will be held OFFSITE! (Still to be determined but most likely China Creek Park, please check the website for place to meet as NOONE CAN COME INTO THE SCHOOL. No use of washrooms, back storage etc please be aware of this)
Sunday October 7th: NO CLASSES
Monday October 8th: One Class 2pm