23 Jan 2014
Unleashing the Power of the Nap
Checkout this cool article on Unleashing the Power of the Nap, based on the findings of sleep scientist Dr. Sara Mednik.
Its about the all of the cool things that happen when you take a nappy-nap.
Did you know you can manipulate the timing and length of your nap to either boost creativity, or increase stamina, or fortify memory and retention, or just to chill out?
You do now.
Warm Up:
20 high hang squat cleans
20 hang squat cleans
20 power cleans
10 kneeling jump squats
8 min emom…. sort of
at the :00 mark 1 power clean
at the :30 mark 1 squat clean
4 rounds of 3 min on 1 min off
6 power cleans 135/95
3 shoulder to overhead 135/95
6 power cleans 165/115
3 shoulder to overhead 165/115
Warm Up:
do what your coaches say
emom for 7 mins
Rx’d 7 burpees
COMP Team 10 burpees
20 min amrap
with a partner alternating minutes
30 sec max reps wall balls 20/12
30 sec max reps kb swings 55/35
one partner will work for an entire minute as the other rests. 10 min of work each
22 Jan 2014
Liver, offal-y good.

Why eat liver?
1. Because your mom told you to.
2. Its cheep.
3. Its one of nature’s most potent super foods.
Vitamins and minerals play an important role in turning food into energy.
High level athletic activity increases the body’s demand for energy.
A shortage of essencial V and Ms, will definitely handicap performance.
Liver is chocked full of:
Protein – Good for getting swoll.
Vitamin A – Helps with bone growth and skin maintenance.
B vitamins, especially vitamin B12 – Involved in over 100 reactions in the body, many that deal with energy production, building and repair of muscle tissue. B12 is crucial for getting O2 into the muscles.
CoQ10 – A nutrient that is important for cardio-vascular function.
Zinc – Plays a role in growth, building and repair of tissues, and immune function.
Copper – Helps with the formation of red blood cells, and bone growth.
Chromium – Helps with glucose metabolism.
Iron – Required for the formation of oxygen-carrying proteins, hemoglobin and myoglobin, and for enzymes involved in energy production.
Purines – Nitrogen containing compounds that serve as precursors for DNA and RNA.
Folic acid – Aids in genetic material development and involved in red blood cell production.
All wrapped up in a disgusting little package.
I eat about 8oz a week. Soaking the liver in milk for a few hours before cooking helps with the taste. I’m told soaking in lime juice does the same.
Warm Up:
dynamic warm up
10 kneeling jump squats
coaches lead a snatch bias warm up
6 working sets of 3 snatch balance + 2 overhead squats
Rx’d & COMP Team
Open workout 11.1
10 min amrap
30 double unders
15 power snatch
21 Jan 2014
Lucas Parker: Open and Interactive
Warm Up:
a few dynamic lengths
coaches call
16 min cycle through the following
1 rope climb
8 strict t2b/8 laying leg lowers with slow decent
4 hspu/15 sec handstand hold/4 pike hspu (coaches get as many people inverted as possible)
Rx’d & COMP Team
14 min cap
500m row
40 wall balls 20/14
30 pull ups
20 hspu
10 (5/5) pistols
Lucas Parker aka the “Teen Wolf” aka the “Fittest Man in Canada”
This guy has competed in the CrossFit Games for the past 3 years, finishing in 15th place in 2012 and 19th in 2013. He is the Fittest Man in Canada!! And when you consider that 138,000 people competed in the Open last year, being in the top 20 in the world is UNREAL!
To top off all of that, Lucas is a straight-up, honest, loyal, and thoughtful person – a pleasure to spend time with. In his own words, “I strive to flourish as a Homo Sapiens both physically and intellectually. Cavemen didn’t have spray tans or pop music. From the untamed wilds of BC.” (follow ToqueLuc on Twitter)
On January 31st, CrossFit Vancouver is hosting Lucas in a “Wine & Cheese & Open with Ease” talk from 7pm-9pm. Topics will include the Open Competition, what to expect, how to prepare, what to eat, when to do the workouts, and competition strategy. This talk is OPEN to the Public, other CF boxes, CF athletes, and pretty much anyone who is interested in hearing what the Teen Wolf might have to say.
When: Friday, January 31st
Where: CrossFit Vancouver (1980 Clark Dr)
Time: 7pm-9pm (doors open at 6pm)
Cost: $20
Post-talk Reception: Wine & Cheese (cash only)
*Proudly sponsored by Epic Nutrients
Please join/share the Facebook event: HERE
Also, you can check out this post that gives some spoilers about what Parker will talk about the night of HERE.
And if you’re not into the Open, but you’re into drinking wine and eating cheese, then that works too!
You can purchase your ticket for the event for you and your friends NOW:
(I need to know how much ‘refreshment’ to have on hand…)
See ya’ll there,
Aud Squad
20 Jan 2014
LANYAR and the MadLab Youth Warriors: An Update
Warm Up:
coaches call on this one
10 mins every minute on the minute
2 front squats with a 3 second pause
+5 lbs from last week
30 front squats 95/65
2 rounds of
16 thrusters 95/65
16 (8/8) front rack lunges 95/65
30 front squats 115
2 rounds of
16 thrusters 115/85
16 (8/8) front rack lunges 115/85
It’s been 5 months since the 4th Annual Nutts Cup
Can you believe it?!?
Behind the scenes, there were countless hours of volunteer work, organization, fundraising, event planning, set-up, clean-up, and accounting. But after all of that, the real win was for CFV, our greater CrossFit Community, and of course the LANYAR (Lt. Andrew Nuttall, Youth at Risk) Foundation.
McLobster and her team from the Yukon took the prize for the most money raised, mostly due to their Buck-a-Burpee Campaign, raising $1,000!


From McLobster:
We finally did the burpees! Not as bad as I thought!! I bruised my vagina bone from smacking that thing on the ground 500 times though haha!
1) Before picture – smiling
2) After picture – still smiling!!
We brought in a total of $18,000. We cleared $4,200 from that, feeding directly into the MadLab Youth Warriors Program. The MLYW has expanded to 2 sessions/week, and has graduated Sean Irwin as it’s first Apprentice. CFP has been working tirelessly with these kids, and we even had a cameo on The National for a program on At-Risk Youth Education.
Since Nutts Cup, the Foundation hosted our East Van’s Got Talent Show, with the Christmas Wine & Cheese, and of course the Silent Auction. INCREDIBLE! This event alone raised $3,600. NET!!
(And for everyone who was there… I doubt you can ever look at Bronto quite the same way)
From all of us at CFV, LANYAR, and the MadLab Youth Warriors,
19 Jan 2014
Ebb and Flow
Warm Up:
25/25 banded lateral walks
30 good mornings
30 banded pull aparts
coaches spend some time warming up elbows for muscle ups
Emom for 16 min
odd minutes: 3 muscle ups or 5 strict pull ups
even minutes: 2 deadlifts @ 80% of max
3 rounds
1 min of max K2E
1 min max burpee box jumps 20
1 min max deadlifts 185/135
1 min rest
3 rounds
1 min max T2B
1 min max burpee box jumps 24
1 min max deadlifts 225/155
1 min rest
My motivation ebbs.
I often feel physical culture (even Crossfit) in this modern era, is an artificial, useless, and often vain pursuit.
For most, all that’s really needed to get through our day is the physical capacity to move from one chair to another. From kitchen table, to car seat, to office chair, to car seat, to sofa to bed.
Everything else is gravy.
With the bar set so low, why struggle for more?
But then I watch a video like the one below. And I get excited again.
I want to train, I want to struggle, I want to pay tribute to our incredible physical heritage.
My motivation flows.