December 2014 | CrossFit VancouverCrossFit Vancouver
1980 Clark Drive, Vancouver BC V5N 0A9
 | (604) 253-1261

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Before we talk about New Year’s resolutions (that’s tomorrow), let’s recount 2014. What was your highlight? Most memorable moment? Biggest accomplishment? What are you most proud of?

For me, I FINALLY achieved my goal of qualifying and competing at the CrossFit Games – definitely my highlight!

Below: Ken being ok with being on the longevity path to a muscle-up. Ken, there’s a lot of man to get through the rings, but stick with it, enjoy the ride, and you will get there!


New Years Last Stand

Coaches Choice Preparation

“2014 Farewell”

3 Rounds (with a partner)
20 Walking lunges
14 Clean & Jerk (135/95)
20 KB Swings (53/35)
14 Toes to Rings
(Each partner must finish their reps of a movement before the 2nd partner can begin that movement. To advance to the next movement partners must complete all reps of the current movement.)

Immediately after – CASH-OUT: 2014m Row
Total is split between partners)
Include CASH-OUT in total time

If you’ve been with us for a while, there’s a good chance you read Mastery when you first arrived. We used to hand it out to all our clients, and somewhere along the way we broke from this tradition (although Patty’s always pushing us to re-instate it).

I’ve been feeling like I’ve been on a plateau lately so I pulled it out and re-read it. And boy did it resonate with me.

I’d like to share this blog I wrote about the plateau. If you feel like you’re not improving as fast as you’d like, read it, and then read Mastery.


Enjoy the plateau!

Tuesday Lesson Plan

Preparation: 10 minutes

Coaches Choice


Strength: 20 minutes

A) Weighted Power Box Jumps

B) Backsquats 5×2

*Show up and crush em.
*Be explosive. No slows.




C) “Bodysquat Sprint”

30 Bodyweight Backsquats
1000m Row


D) Max Effort Pull Ups

29 Dec 2014



Although it’s not always about the end goal – the process is to be savoured, as well – we had a handful of people get their first muscle-ups in our “All I Want for Christmas is a Muscle-Up program.” Walter was one. Here’s his second muscle-up. Congrats, Walter!



Monday Lesson Plan

Preparation: 10 minutes

A) Coaches Choice

B) Xiaopeng Forward 3×5/5


Strength: 15 minutes

Shoulder Press 1RM




Shoulder to Overhead 135/95
Twisting Ball Slams 20/12

Come on in today and atone for all the fun you have had the last few days. :-)


If you haven’t been celebrating then come on in and lay a beat down on Barbara. :-)

Saturday Lesson Plan

Coaches Choice Prep


5 Rounds

20 Pull Ups
30 Push Ups
40 Sit Ups
50 Air Squats

*Rest 3 minutes between rounds
*Badasses rest no minutes.

25 Dec 2014


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