As March comes to a close, and we put the CF Open to bed, we’re going to shift focus for the next 6 weeks.
Here’s whats in store:
Each week will see at least one short/hard/fast workout, a long grinder, and a partner WoD.
On days where shorter workouts are programmed, Optional Finishers, will be provided for the teacher’s pets (you know who you are). Most of these finishers will focus on the core and are meant to be done after class.
Movement Focus for the next 6 weeks
Weeks 1, 2, and 3
Monday : will have a Fast Hip Hinge focus (think Speed Sumo Deadlifts, and Snatch Pulls)
Wednesday : we’ll play with Overhead Squats and Single Leg work (Pistols, wt. Box Step Ups, etc)
Thursday : Heavy Deadlifts are on the menu
Weeks 4, 5, and 6
Tuesday : Fast Hip Hinge
Thursday : OSquats and Single Leg stuff
Friday : Heavy Deads
The reasoning for the one day shift in our weekly rotation is that we often hear that folks who have an inflexible schedule (meaning they can only get to class on certain days of the week), either miss our movement focus entirely or get hammered with the same thing every time they walk through the door.
This way everyone can get touches on each of the above elements, and those with flexible schedules can follow the Deadlifts/Osquats etc, as they shift midway through the training block.
Aside from that, it’ll be a typical month (and a half) of Andy. Lots of barbell work, a bit of interval work, and some oddball movements sprinkled in here and there.
Atypical of my programming biases, there are a few more beatdown workouts coming down the chute, so, as Sheppy says listen to your body. Take a day off, get a massage, hug a puppy.
I hope you enjoy.
Today’s Warm Up:
Coach’s Choice. Include Cossack Squat and John Waynes or X Band Walks
Today’s Skill/Str Elements:
A. 1.1.1 Sumo Deadlift EMOM, 10min at 50-60% of best guess 1RM. Treat this as three singles. Move barbell as fast as good technique allows.
B. 3 X 15 Wt. Good Mornings. Ease into these, do not go heavy. We’ll see more of these down the road.
Today’s Workout:
20 TGU 55/35lbs (10 aside, alt as needed)
30 Russian KBS 55/35lbs
40 Single Arm Push Press 55/35lbs (20 aside, alt as needed)
50 Goblet Squats 55/35lbs
16 min cap. Scale as needed.
Bring a sweat band if you one.
Andy Tested 10:20.
Isn't the Andy factor a 10x's factor when comparing to normal humans? :)