
The MadLab Tournament carries a rich tradition at our school.

This fall’s competition starts tonight – Thursday at 6 pm. 25 people are signed up. There are still some spots available, so come on out. We’ll put you on a team and you’ll compete for four weeks and will likely reach new heights on what you think you can do.

***Bring you $30 CASH THURSDAY and your team will get a bonus point (either 5 lb. or 5 reps added, or 5 seconds taken off their score, depending on the workout) 

Sign-up or SHOW up at 6 pm. PUP, we need ya!

Why do the MadLab Tournament?



Eunice, a former university rower, is hosting a rowing seminar starting Monday, October 20th at 8 am. Sessions are Mondays and Thursdays at 8 am-9am.

Improve your rowing technique, your pacing strategy, your endurance and power endurance.

Only 5 spots left!

Cost is $300 for 12 sessions.

Contact Eunice at if you’re interested.



Include – 

10 Medball Chest Pass

20 sec PU Up Altitude Drops (sub maximal)


A1. Bench Press 3, 3, 3

A2. Immediately after each set of BP, perform as many PushUps as possible in 10 sec



150 Wallballs

Finisher: 150 Banded Tricept Push Downs



  1. No Thursday 6 pm classes during MadLab. Sorry.

  2. Sorry guys you'll have to count me out for Madlab unfortunately I'm going to be working. Have fun !

  3. Are Thursday 6pm classes still going during madlab?

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