You have until Friday to add your name to the list in the women’s washroom if you want a pair. Below is what they look like. (Although, the model they’ve used here is skinny and don’t do the pants justice). All of our legs will look much more muscularly sculpted and sexy than this skinny bitch! These pants might change the way you see pants. You’ll put them on, they’ll sculpt to your body, you’ll never have to adjust them, and the waistband is the most flattering and comfortable one on the market.
Price is $65. You can bring cash to me before the pants arrive, or wait until they do. They’re shipping next Monday and it should take 4-6 business days, so we’re getting close!
A) Coach Choice
B) B) 10/10 Single Arm Forearm Wall Slide w/Retraction
a1) KB/DB Windmills (Ext/Rot Bias) 3×5/5
a2) Alternating Dead Bugs 3×10/10
- Windmills: Focus on holding an externally rotated shoulder, lead with the hips back
- Dead Bugs: Do not allow spine to extend, exhale long and hard to find length
b) Ramp up Hang Power Snatch
Hang Power Snatch 95/65
Hinge Ball Slams 20/12
Movement Penalty: Missed Snatches = 10 Wallballs (accumulative)
That skinny bitch is just as beautiful and smart and whateverthehellelseshewantstoberegardlessofhowweperceiveher, as the rest of the muscularly sculpted and sexy women in this place.
(ass pants for the Fall baby!)