Wednesday - Parkour and Gymnastics Play Day | CrossFit VancouverCrossFit Vancouver
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Wednesday – Parkour and Gymnastics Play Day

Wednesday – Parkour and Gymnastics Play Day

Think you can match these hard core parkour skills…

Warm-up: Parkour movements, e.g. bear crawl, crab walk, inch worm, alligator crawl, donkey kicks etc.

Technique: Starting small work on some spider walk holds, i.e. start facing away from the wall, bend over and walk your feet up the wall as you walk your hands towards the wall. Aim to have only your nose and toes touching the wall. If this is easy for you try to balance yourself in a handstand position by gently kicking your feet off the wall so your entire body weight is balanced over your hands.

From there work on free standing handstands with a partner providing minimal spotting. Spotters make sure your partner is in a straight line from wrist to ankles (no arch in the back!). Tips when doing free standing handstands:
-use your fingers to help balance in a handstand position
-try to make your body as tall as possible which will reduce any arch in the lower back
-think about keeping your core engaged and squeeze your ass cheeks together like you’re trying to hang onto a $100 bill

Since I apparently decimated everyone with the last two workouts by killing the legs, hands and chest trifecta I needed to find a workout to try and redeem myself and that didn’t further punish you…too much.

Workout: “Annie”
50, 40, 30, 20, 10
Double unders
Ab-mat sit-ups

- Kerms

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  • By Bill 30 May 2012

    love the cam shot of the tv!

  • By wendy 30 May 2012

    Dwight’s cartwheel is better than tbear’s

    Parkour! Parkour! Parkour!

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