Pocket Coach | CrossFit VancouverCrossFit Vancouver
1980 Clark Drive, Vancouver BC V5N 0A9
 | (604) 253-1261

Pocket Coach

Pocket Coach


Why04Our online App – the Pocket Coach – is a coaching tool and performance tracking system developed by Madlab Group.

The pocket coach allows both you and your coach to monitor your progress, beginning with your very first day, and carrying on through your personal training sessions, and later when you\’re in group classes.


We have learned that people who keep track of their progress are more likely to stay motivated to be fit.

From keeping track of Benchmarks, your calendar, your personal bests, and your fitness rating, the Pocket Coach allows you to stay connected with not only your progress, but also with your coach and the greater community, ultimately helping you stay on track with your training and fitness goals.

Getting started is easy, fill in this form and we’ll get in touch