Well Easter is upon us and that means big dinners, Easter egg hunts and chocolate bunnies. Good timing to celebrate the end of the paleo challenge. Our wish is that everyone keep up the dilligence on their diet… but have some fun this weekend.
Long Weekend classes are as follows:
Saturday, April 3rd – 10am, and 11am
Easter Sunday – Closed
Monday, April 5th – 7am, 9am, 11am, 4pm & 6pm
Saturday’s Workout:
Skill/Tech: Barbell Turkish Get Up – Play around with it but don’t max out.
Workout: Max Double Unders in 10 minutes.
Monday’s Workout:
Warm up: Burgener Warm Up
Skill/Tech: Power Snatch
Workout: The Hawk
400 m Run
Max Push Ups
Score is max reps push ups in 20 minutes
Have a great weekend and remember… Gravy is not a beverage.
Love Sheppy