Taking a short one-night break from Patty’s story to remind you all to come – and bring your kids – this Saturday to our 10-year anniversary celebration at Spanish Banks. We’ll be near Trimble as a cross street. Look for the black Madlab banner and a large group of athletic-looking humans. Check out our FACEBOOK event page, for a map of where we’ll be, as well as our Plan B in case our first spot is taken.


Classes will be cancelled on Saturday in lieu of a workout on the beach at 10 am run by Eunice and Tom. Later in the afternoon, we’ll be BBQ-ing burgers etc… We’ll also brings some large coolers for drinks.

The schedule for the day (but feel free to join us at any point):

10.00am: Workout Hosted by Eunice and Tom

11.00am: Chill on the beach

12.00pm: Waterballoon Toss – Hosted by Shep (BBQ will start up around this time)

1.00pm: Three Legged Race – Hosted by Patty

3.00pm: Tug O War Competition – Hosted by Andy and Tbear

Note – We will also have HooverBall set up and that will be ongoing. Feel free to bring Botchi, Frisbees, or any other cool games you have! Cam Mather – we expect you to bring Spike Ball.

See you all on Saturday!

Thursday Lesson Plan

Warm Up: Coach Choice

Include Table Rocks + Tempo Floor Press



6×3 Bench Press



16 Minute OTM:


1st. 3 Muscle Ups

2nd. 5 Handstand Push Ups

3rd. 10 Alternating Pistols

4th. 10 Straddle Ups


1st. 3 Strict Pull Ups

2nd. 5 Handstand Negatives

3rd. 10 Skater Squats

4th. 10 V Ups


1st. 3 Elevated Ring Rows

2nd. 5 Push Ups

3rd. 10 Bulgarian Split Squats

4th. 10 Tuck Ups


Beach Locations

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