“Foam rolling is to myofascial release as masturbation is to sex; sure, it feels good, but it doesn’t really count.” – The Chestevez 2015
As a Movement Coach, I spend hours upon hours diving into everything within movement culture: biomechanics, metabolic pathways, progressions, joint mobilizations, and various training tools. I love absorbing everything I can get my hands on in order to continuously evolve as a coach. I have passion for all areas movement development; however, having a team is an essential part to keeping me doing what I love most. Practitioners have the hands on techniques to dive into corners of the body you usually only allow yourself access to.
Enter MadLab Prehab/Rehab. CJ Castro and Jeff Almon; take a little glance at their bios here<—
Injury is a sticky subject in the fitness world; it’s a sticky subject in the world, period. If you move you may get injured; if you don’t move you may get injured. Overuse or no use, injury may be lurking around the corner. Mitigate it with an abundance of tools. With a combination of Coach and Practitioner, you will give yourself the greatest access to resolving pain, preventing injury, and optimizing performance. Live a better life.
Practitioners assist me with an added depth to assessment, not to mention something I don’t specialize in, treatment; things such as, Swedish massage, myofascial release (see quote above), joint mobilizations, remedial exercise (homecare/level 1 rehab), orthopedic testing, muscle testing, and trigger point release. As a coach, I get to expand on resolved issues and weakness identifiers to move you beyond that restriction. Together we can achieve more.
You can book online through https://crossfitvancouver.sites.zenplanner.com/scheduler.cfm. Just use your username and password for the back-end of our website we gave you access to earlier this year.
Better yet, go and introduce yourself to Jeff and CJ; get a feel for them; let them get a feel for you. Speak with your Coach on how to move forward. Live a better life.
Big Love,
12/12 KB RDL’s
1 Length of Samson Lunge w/Twist
12/12 banded shoulder press
25 banded facepulls
3×3+1 power clean + jerk
Conditioning: “WHOA NELLY”
12 minute amrap:
3 Ground to Overhead 185/135
6 Bar Over Burpees
9 C2B Pull Ups