One of the things we take pride in at MadLab is the power of a shared experience. Every person who walks through our door, young, old, fit, decrepit, goes through pretty much the same first day: A potentially devastating ball run, pull-ups, push-ups etc, topped off with Tabata Squats.
The more fit you are, the harder the day can be. I always say the idea is to get you high without overdosing you; however, some people overdose HARD.
Today, Tom’s brother Andrew (who just moved to Vancouver from Uxbridge, Ontario) became a part of this shared experience. The result:
This picture was taken after the ball run (1:48). He went on to complete 5 pull-ups and “8 lousy push-ups until I stopped him,” said Tom, and finished off with 9 Tabata Squats.
Andrew described his first day in one word: “Sufficient.”
After coming home and scrambling to make a protein smoothie and power back some chicken, Andrew, who could afford to gain a few pounds, said: “Is this what I have to do now? Workout until I feel like I’m going to puke, and then eat until I feel like I’m going to puke?”
Andrew’s next move is to buy a used bike. Does anyone have a bike they want to sell? If so, post to comments! Thanks.
Welcome to the family, Andrew!
Monday’s WOD
W/U: 6 minutes
12 mountain climbers
6 forearm wall slides with retraction
30 sec Handstand
TECH: Deadlift (5 x 5)
WOD: 21 – 15 – 9 Deadlift (135/ 225lb)
15 – 9 – 6 Muscle Up
For used bikes, Sports Junkies at Manitoba and Broadway is probably the best place to look.
Oh that sounds familiar lol. It gets easier, but I wonder how I'd handle my brother coaching me...
Welcome to the Family! At least you finished the first day there are many that have not!!!!
Post Tabata Squats
Shep: You don't look so hot!!
Me: Naw, I'm good
Shep: Bathrooms that way.
Me: Pukie Pukie Pukie.
Haven't looked back since
I was so scared of my 1st day.... Eunice, you were good to me. ;)
Can't wait to meet the less grumpy of the gumplestiltskin clan