Are looking for the best ways to stay fit on your trip abroad?
Would you like a detailed list of the best training facilities along your journey?
How about some great tips on eating clean while you’re away?

You’ll find all these answers, and more, in a blog post somewhere else. There are plenty of resources out there, especially in our community and blog; However; I’d like to advocate for a little R&R.

I was about 4 days in. We just arrived in a motel in Olomouc, Czech Republic. After few cat stretches and a sit down shower, I strolled over to the attached restaurant to commune with my fellow Chesteurotripstevezers. During my morning káva, it dawned on me; I’m just going to not work out, at all.


 After a 10 hour flight to Schiphol; train to Amsterdam; 2 days in Amsterdam; 16 hour train to Prague; 2 hour train to Olomouc; I may have felt the urge to get a little something in to fire up the cylinders. Prior to the trip, I had made glute challenges, mobility blueprints, and other tidbits to stay on track; not to mention bringing my handy trigger point roller, lacrosse balls, and monster band. I made an on the spot gut decision to just cut it out. I’ve also always found it a bit obsessive and outlandish to workout on vacation.

The fact is, no matter what your fitness level, take some time off the regime. I’ve been gone for 2 weeks; foam rolled twice, and once performed Tabata Glute Holds seated in a car on route to Prague. I’ve consumed snacks, in-flight meals, beer, becherkova, goulash, fries, dinner dumplings, desert dumplings, cafe after cafe, shnitzel, dutch, czech, and french cuisines of sorts. I just returned on Monday and feel amazing. I’m refreshed mentality and a tad more cultured. My body is rested and ready for something new. 


I’m not advocating just sitting on your ass in the sun; however, that’s essential pending on where you are. The amount of steps accumulated between myself and Breasty is pretty epic; historical castles, streets, and view points need a good foot. Just close the CrossFit Finder app, disconnect from the barbell, and stop L-sitting the motel toilet seat. Pick up where you left off or start something new, when you return.

You’ll gain more than you lose,

Return of The Chest


Warm Up:

elbow prep
pec stretch
scap stability


EMOM 20 min pick one of each and pick a number from 3-12

Add one rep to each of last weeks reps. 

1. ring row/bent over row/strict pull up
2. pike push up/ring push up/handstand push up
3. push up/ring dip/dip/
4. hollow rock/v-snap/transition drill/muscle up
5. 30 sec plank hold/t2b/k2e/ghd sit-up

Workout: bon-bon

14min AMRAP

500m row
40 wall balls 20/14
30 pull ups
200m run
10 (5/5) pistols

Coaching Points:

The row should be pretty quick, not to much slower than last weeks 500m. The wall balls will slow a few people down, break into manageable sets and take minimal rest. Same goes on the pull ups. The run should be sprint folks, out the door hard and back in with a little less gusto. Pistols are to be done all 5 on one leg than all 5 on the other. If pistols need to be scaled, coaches please provide a progression that allow them to practice balance and accuracy with some missing depth being acceptable. 

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