Today is the BIG DAY!
The Talent Extravaganza starts at 8:30pm, with doors opening to schmooze and enjoy some Holiday Cheer at 7pm. Silent Auction lots will be up all day… so get your bids in!
Some of the acts…
Caitlin, Ingrid, & Squad (yours truly) ~ A Classical Trio with Piano
Caroline, Kermit, Darren, & Cam ~ Ukrainian Dancing
Sarah K ~ Vocal Dancing
Venessa ~ Burlesque!
Featuring Tabata Scott & Patty ~ Comedy and Charisma all night long
Now, for your commenting pleasure (and maybe a little technique for the weekend workouts):
Friday Lesson Plan
Coaches Choice Prep and then…
“12 Days of Christmas”
1 Burpee
2 Turkish getups (20lbs/35lbs)
3 Cleans (85 lbs/135 lbs)
4 Box Jumps (20”)
5 Push-ups
6 Air squats
7 Sit-ups
8 Wallballs (12lbs/20lbs)
9 Double unders
10 KB swings (red/black)
11 Pull-ups
12 Mountain climbers
*This is performed just like the song:
On the first day of christmas my true love gave to me…1 burpee
On the second day of christmas my true love gave to me…2 turkish get ups and 1 burpee
On the third day of christmas my true love gave to me…3 cleans, 2 turkish get ups, and 1 burpee
Saturday Lesson Plan
Preparation: 15 minutes
Coaches Choice Snatch Prep
Strength/Skill: 15 minutes
Power Snatch 3×1.1.1
Conditioning: 15 minutes
“Dumbbell Double Trouble”
4 Rounds
15 Alternating DB Snatch 55/35
25 Double Unders
That is AWESOME Wendy!
We missed you last night--although Panda had fun, and won CJ's massage in the Auction.
Thanks to everyone for commenting, for coming out, for donating, and for just plain old being awesome supporters. Big Flying Squad Hugs all around!
Don't forget to add in the hand job pledges!
And the final tally.....including all thoughtful comments, a toonie for Bus's toonie comment, 1$ for each of my nice butt cheeks (thanks Patty!), subtracting the NNC's operating expenses, plus an extra 2$ in the spirit of Tugg Speedman, equals....$97.00!!!!
I have heard Reto....and Clyde say the N-bomb before
Unrelated (bc do I really need to express my opinion on The Pig using that racial slur?), but i just read yesterday's thing about the video contest and would like to say that Chesty's box jump video from last week was basically the most underrated coach video ever because maybe 7 people watched it all the way would have been so worth the extra minute of your time.
Speaking of politically correct...I know we're only a small population here at Madlab, but I feel like our voice still needs to be heard. I vote for better treatment of people with red hair. We are called ginger on a regular basis, along with the even more derogatory Australian equivalent, 'wranger.' Just because I go bright red whenever someone looks at me, or I need to re-apply SPF60 sunscreen every 10 minutes doesn't mean I'm any less of a person!
Love that movie...
Especially the guys at The Onion's version. ;-)
How un politically correct of you to ask Reto. ;-)
That was good for a laugh Sheppy!
1) I know where I am on that spectrum and I'm pretty sure I know where Patty is, and it is two wildly different places.
2) Patty has gone pretty far, but not too far gone for me to stop listening to him just yet.
To come to terms with where everyone is on the spectrum, we should have a group watching of the movie about The Aristocrats joke...
Or alternatively, Patty could tell a version of The Aristocrats joke tonight instead... I imagine his rendition would be pretty depraved.
lemme guess, the 5th wheel was being driven by a fat middle aged white guy with a budweiser cap?
This is the best political correctness quote I've ever read. The first time I saw it is was on the back of 5th wheel.
"A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."
Sorry NerdieBerd just approved your comments!
I say NO story....but when patty wants to do something it is very hard to stop him!
That said, it would have been/will be a funny story. Hateful, racist, and counterproductive. But funny.
Afghan, I think the point is not to spend your whole life worrying about what other people might say. The point is to worry about what a fair standard should be w/r/t the compromise between freedom of expression and hateful/destructive speech, and then strive to 1) at least hold yourself to that standard, and 2) stop hanging out or listening to people who don't.
Patty: have to agree with Clyde on this one (of course).
the moral of WordBird's story is: CLYDE SHOULD BE GIVEN MODERATOR RIGHTS.
and Patty - our crowd is too white to decide this one.
If you spend your life worrying about whether someone should or should not say something, then that is a pretty powerless place to be considering it is the someone else who has the power to say it!
I have tried to comment a few times, but apparently my new nickname has resulted in all my comments being moderated. Either that or Patty hates me.
I tried to post this before, so if it shows up twice, I apologize.
I found a study today that might be of interest. Researchers at Berkeley have found a correlation between political correctness and creativity in mixed-group business environments. From the abstract:
People may associate political correctness with conformity but new research finds it also correlates with creativity in work settings. Imposing a norm that sets clear expectations of how women and men should interact with each other into a work environment unexpectedly encourages creativity among mixed-sex work groups by reducing uncertainty in relationships. The study highlights a paradoxical consequence of the political correctness (PC) norm. While PC behavior is generally thought to threaten the free expression of ideas, Professor Jennifer Chatman of the Haas School’s Management of Organizations Group and her co-authors found that positioning such PC norms as the office standard provides a layer of safety in the workplace that fosters creativity.”
– See more at:
Consider that this is a talent show, where creativity is expected to reign. So, if we want a more creative/talented pool, we ought to stick to the PC norm to create a safe space for people to demonstrate their creativity/talents.
No story.
... moderation sucks
I wouldn't do it :)
I tried, but my comments are being moderated.
I found a study today that might be of interest. Researchers at Berkeley have found a correlation between political correctness and creativity in mixed-group business environments. From the abstract:
People may associate political correctness with conformity but new research finds it also correlates with creativity in work settings. Imposing a norm that sets clear expectations of how women and men should interact with each other into a work environment unexpectedly encourages creativity among mixed-sex work groups by reducing uncertainty in relationships. The study highlights a paradoxical consequence of the political correctness (PC) norm. While PC behavior is generally thought to threaten the free expression of ideas, Professor Jennifer Chatman of the Haas School’s Management of Organizations Group and her co-authors found that positioning such PC norms as the office standard provides a layer of safety in the workplace that fosters creativity."
- See more at:
So, if we want a more creative/talented pool, we ought to stick to the PC norm to create a safe space for people to demonstrate their creativity/talents.
No story.
10 am and no comments????
i think this means that patty should tell his story