08 Jun 2011
Check out this video for some examples of WHAT NOT TO DO when deadlifting!
Warmup: 50 KB Swings for time
Tech: Bar Muscle up/ Ring Muscle up
Wod: “Wobbly Legs”
5 Rounds of:
- 9 Deadlift @ 315lbs/205lbs for veterans. Newbies go for 225lbs/135lbs.
- 3 Rope climbs
Let’s play!
07 Jun 2011
Very often I find myself and Sheppy explaining to people why they shouldn’t eat grains.
The big Paleo Bear talks about it all the time and tries to get more and more of our students off of them.
What I noticed is that there is a common belief amongst the general public that is the same as that which our mainstream health practioners tell us: grains and cereals are good and healthy.
Mark Sisson, from Mark’s Daily Apple, talks in his blog about the responses he gets about this subject, and some happen to be the same ones we come across at the gym. So let’s take a look at some of these assertions:
A few years back, scientists found that high-fiber foods “bang up against the cell’s lining the gastrointestinal tract, rupturing their outer covering” which “increases the level of lubricating mucus.” (Excessive mucus prevents absorption of nutrients.)
Yuck, thats sounds awful!!
There is plenty of fiber in the vegetables and fruit we should be eating.
Yes! We do need vitamins and minerals, like B1 and B2, magnesium and iron, zinc and potassium. But not from heavy-carb, bulky grain! Even a serving of “whole grain” can’t compete – nutrient, vitamin and mineral-wise – with a bad ass salad!
Governmental endorsements are not pointed in your favour, grain-eater. They are strikes against you.
The fundamental problem with grains is that they are “Neolithic” food that the human body has yet to adapt to consuming. In fact, grains were right there on the forefront of the agricultural revolution.
Also they were harsh, tough things that probably didn’t even taste good. It took a ton of work just to make them edible, thanks to their toxic anti-nutrients.
Some animals are clearly adapted to grain consumption. Birds, rodents and some insects can deal with the anti-nutrients. Humans, however, cannot. We simply do not have the the wiring necessary to mitigate the harmful effects of lectins, gluten and phytates.
So the answer is NO. We do not need grains to survive, let alone thrive.
Take the hint and stop eating them!
Warmup: Burgener Warmup
Tech: Snatch - not a 1 rep max, just go heavy enough that you can still work on your technique, eg: first pull, second pull (full extension of the hips while arms straight) and receiving it in a full squat.
Wod: 2011 Regional Games wod #1
- 1 Km Run
- 30 HSPU
- 1 Km Row
Go hard boys and girls!
06 Jun 2011
everyone’s experience is valuable
06 Jun 2011
In House Apprentice Testimonial – Dan Fontaine
05 Jun 2011

Tonight kicks off Game 3 of the Stanley Cup Finals and the city has Canucks Fever. It was beautiful to walk around downtown Saturday and see so many fans sporting their Canucks gear and the thousands of people crowding together to watch the game and cheer our team on.
This spirit brings me many memories of back home in Brasil when I used to watch and cheer for my soccer team. But now my life is in Canada and I finally understand the signficance of this game to Canadians… and I’m thrilled to be part of it.
Reading some of the stats on the Canucks players ice time, I realized just how intense this game is. These guys are playing an average of 40-50 seconds at 100% effort before needing a break, and playing just 20-25 mins of a 60 minute game (see chart below).
This is a humongous interval workout!

05 Jun 2011
Mareck Bigler
Mareck Bigler travelled all the way from Switzerland to complete our junior apprentice diploma program. He graduated in the spring of 2011 and headed home with the tools to help him open his own affiliate in Switzerland.
Here’s what he has to say:
With a gymnastics and team sports backround, I discovered Crossfit two years ago and it caught my interest right away. I did one year of training by myself, took my level 1 cert, and then headed to Crossfit Vancouver for their apprentice diploma program.
Read More
We have a community here that feeds in many different ways. Lately – it’s been ugly…and well the results?? Lack luster. Many of us are finding out what we are sensitive to but are still reluctant and slow to give up the cheap grains, fast food and sugary treats.
So if you’ve received body composition and performance stalls – give this challenge a try. You will not be disappointed. It works.
I’ve seen the best results come from this challenge and have grown to understand that it’s a commitment you must stick with. Cheat days are allowed. I want us all to play with intermittent fasting, protein fasting, and reduce the nut intake.
I like what Dr. Harris is advocating at Archevore.com. Get started with these 12 steps He doesn’t sell a book or supplements. He has no personal profit in recording his thoughts and hypotheses and viewpoints on the best way to eat. He also does the research needed to back it all up.
His followers have stated pretty significant changes in their lives:
-More energy than they had on Primal Blueprint
-Ability to build muscle at a faster pace, while working out far less.
-Mental clarity and ability to pay attention increases
-More energy and faster recovery
-Sex drive is stronger,
-and many are finding even more strengths in areas of their lives that were otherwise weak and permanently so.
So – what’s to lose? Give it a go!!! I’ll hold a couple seminars at the beginning of the challenge to get us all on the right track. I’ll schedule pictures and pinch times next week.
Saturday – Team Workout – send 2 teams at a time
In Teams of two complete the following:
- 275m (around green old lulu building) Heavy Bag Carry and (225lb) Sled Pull (one person carries the bag, the other does the sled pull)
- 250 total reps of Double Unders (1 at at time)
- 200 V Snaps (fold at lumbar, touch shoe laces, keep legs straight)
- 150 Burpees (1 at at time)
-100m (Curb to far fence and back) Overhead Barbell Carry, each must perform(135/95)
Sunday – “Get your CJ & Hammies”
3 clean and jerks (at 205)
6 clean and jerk (185)
9 clean and jerk (165)
12 clean and jerk (135)
- scale as needed – Women 135,115,95 and 85.
01 Jun 2011
Workout like a punk rock song!
It’s been said that this explosive movement combines the power of the clean with the speed of a sprint. It’s a beautiful movement if done correctly.
Hang Power Snatches (example video below)
(2,2,2,2,2 @50 to 70% of your 1RM Overhead Squat)
>>Keeping your torso tight and in proper alignment is vital
>>Use your hook grip again, keep that bar close to body – elbow out catch at arms length with your hips back and down
>>For heck sake, don’t pull with your arms first. Legs and hips initiate the movement, let the arms pull yourself under the bar
>>Catch at arms length with your hips back and down like you could squat it immediately if needed.
Workout -”Punk Rock”
-10 Hang Power Snatch (95/65)
-20 Pull-ups
-30 Overhead Squats (95/65)
-20 Pull-ups
-10 Hang Power Snatch
(Men 95lbs, Women 65lbs, Firebreathers (Add 20lbs & go CTB))
Friday Workout – & shout out to
Dan John
& his warm-up version of Deadbugs (see vid below)
Back Squat warm-ups (5,5,5,5)
WOD – ” Widows.3-0h “
Newbs (never done widowmakers/less than 1 year crossfit)
30 BackSquats @50% of 1RM
REST as needed to complete
30 uninterrupted Back Squats @40% 1RM
REST as needed to complete
30 uninterrupted Back Squats @30% 1RM
-record your time
30 BackSquats @65% of 1RM
REST as needed to complete
30 uninterrupted Back Squats @55% 1RM
REST as needed to complete
30 uninterrupted Back Squats @45% 1RM
-record your time, if you don’t make it record your continuous reps.
I’ve personally done this twice with a few people, posted it once with 60/50/40% no.’s. Everyone loved it. I’ll agree with Dan John and all his followers – no complaints on this High Volume/High Intensity – 1979 workout. Beware of the 2nd Round. We barely made it and took around a 4 to 5 minute rest. Good Spinal Form will reward you.
Hang Power Snatch