April 2012 | CrossFit VancouverCrossFit Vancouver
1980 Clark Drive, Vancouver BC V5N 0A9
 | (604) 253-1261

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1. Because it prepares the body (more anterior/ventral plane (that’s for Andy and our apprentice anatomy test)) for supporting large loads in the rack position.  You’ll see gains in your other lifts like cleans, presses, thrusters and jerks because it trains the “base” starting positions of those lifts.

2. Smokes your quads and abdominals like no other movement. Your torso is more upright in a front squat (good practice for just understanding what a neutral spine should be in any squat) which will bias a lot of the strength gains to the quads and the abs above which basically support and stabilize the the weight above.

3. Because people make the best faces trying to get out these tough below parallel positions.  Just watch – take a picutre – but make sure they get deep enough because friends don’t let friends squat shallow!

Tuesday Strength – Front Squat to Max (allow 20 minutes)

Do some 5’s then 2’s on up to a 1 rep max please.

Workout: “Limnos”

For time complete:

25 Body Weight Front Squats (Ladies at 70%)
3 Rounds of:
– 75 Double Unders
– 15(men)/10(ladies) Ring Dips

*no racks for WOD, send heats and use static dips if your on purple band or higher.  Post time to leaderboard.

“…is like reinforcing your front deck so you can park your car on it (in Alberta)”

30 Apr 2012


Swing by tonight for the Canada West Regional After Party – 8pm to 2am.

The competition this weekend was pretty awesome.  I was fortunate enough to see all of Friday and Saturday afternoon workouts.  These competitors are legit!  Surviving 6 workouts to find Western Canada’s top 2 female, male and teams that will go on to the Games certainly had to prepare more than ever before.

Congrats to Emily who had a focus that I’ve never seen before.  Em just missed that top spot and came in 3rd. An impressive finish, we are so proud of our Eunice!

Rhea who finished 17th, held strong right through to the last WOD where her back lit up which shows how much stress is put on these athletes and it is amazing to watch how they carry on. Another amazing performance seen all weekend.

THE CFV TEAM! Placing 9th. Consisting of Lumber, Dan, Poker, Fancypants, Quin, Caroline, Ben and Mar were outstanding! Lumber PB’ed his snatch on the 5th WOD by 20lbs! The calmness of this group was great and everyone put up their best efforts despite some judging challenges that were not in our favour.

A huge WELL DONE goes out to Sheppy! Who has taken on the role of coach for these athletes! The heart and time he gave to everyone certainly had them at their full potential for the weekend. Thanks SHEP!

Many of our students and coaches attended the whole weekend volunteering, judging, and cheering on our hopefuls and friends from around western Canada. Thanks to everyone that came out, you have no idea how much our athletes appreciate the cheering and how it pushes them that little bit more!

So when you see these people in the school this week give them a fist pump/hug…..whatever you want!

Monday’s Plan

Strength Work – Sumo Deadlift & Traditional

Work up to some heavy singles each way (10,5,5,3,1,1,1,1,1)

“Little Barb – no rest”

(complete 3 rounds with no rest)

20 Pull-ups

30 Push-ups *hand release today

40 Sit-ups – anyway

50 Squats

Post your time to the leaderboard.


David Lee Roth Assless Chaps

28 Apr 2012


Weekend Double Post

Once again, here is the 2012 Canada West Regional weekend schedule.


Friday’s Skill/Strength Element:

Heavy T.G.U.s


Friday’s Workout (from Crossfit Invictus):

In teams of two, one member working at a time,

300 Walking Lunges

4 400m BallRuns (20/12lbs)

100 Burpees


Saturday’s Skill/Strength Element:

Snatch 1.1.1 (10 sec rest between reps), 3 working sets

Check out these crazy strong Chinese lifters:

In this video…in this order…16 year old snatching 100kg x 2—16 year old hang snatch 90 kg— 69 kg lifter snatching 140 kg— 105 kg snatching 140 kg x 3 Super Heavy squatting 280 kg x 3— 94 kg lifter squats 290 kg— Super Heavy does a clean, hang clean and a jerk with 200kg/no straps— 94 kg clean and jerk 200kg

Saturday’s Workout:

In teams of two, trading off rounds

3 Snatch (95/65lbs)

3 Shoulder to Overhead (95/65lbs)

10 Box Jumps (24/20″)

Rounds in 15 minutes

You can find the 2012 Canada West Regional schedule here.


Today’s Skill/Str Element:

Prep your  One Legged Sqaut

Prep your Hang Clean


Today’s Workout: 2012 CF Regionals Team Event 2 (as individuals)

Row 1 K

25 1 Legged Squat (alternating)

15 Hang Clean (225/135lbs*), regionals standard

25 min time cap, *scale weight appropriately


Jami Tikkanen goes over some really good pistol preparation. Check it out.


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