July 2011 | CrossFit VancouverCrossFit Vancouver
1980 Clark Drive, Vancouver BC V5N 0A9
 | (604) 253-1261

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There is only one class today at 5 pm.

The first Monday of August is known as British Columbia or BC Day. In 1871 British Columbia became the sixth province of the Dominion of Canada. The British Columbia Day Act was first introduced to the Legislative Assembly in 1974. The aim of the Bill was to create a statutory holiday on the first Monday in August to recognize the pioneers in the province and the act gained royal assent in 1996.

Warm-up: Coach’s choice, although I am fond of BTB tabata squats

Technique: Review rope climb techniques and progressions

Workout: “BC Day Special”

5 rounds for time of:

10 body weight back squats (scale as needed)
2 rope climbs (don’t forget your long sock)
200m dash (up the alley and back)

– Kermit

After a crazy three events on the first day CrossFit Vancouver is in 10th place. Giddy Up!!

You can catch all the action and updates at the 2011 CrossFit Games Site.

Saturday Workout:

Well if you haven’t noticed yet this week was all standard workouts from crossfit.com.

I like the creative license we have to program for the school. Problem is when we make workouts up all the time and don’t repeat them later its hard to measure where you are at. This week’s .com staples are excellent tests of our where your fitness is at.

At the same time, a great measure of your fitness can be how well you can handle a curve ball. As exemplified by the CrossFit Games workouts.

Saturday’s Workout: Nancy

For Time

400 m Run
15 Overhead Squats (96/65)

x 5

Sunday’s Workout:

Treat this as a make up day. Do any of the workout that were posted this week.

Here’s a really interesting article on CrossFit and Reebok’s sponsorship.

Nuttin’ But Love,


It’s that time once again. Let’s see your progress and have a little chat!! Come get pinched over the next couple days.

Friday 4-6pm.       Saturday Morning 10am-12.      Sunday 11:30 to 1pm

We”ll also get the TV’s hooked up so we can watch some of the CrossFit Games Live together Saturday and Sunday.


Our very own Tony “The Professor” Leyland has written 2 superb articles about his predictions for the games. Ever wonder if being a bit shorter, since we are always dealing with range of motion, makes you a better crossfitter? How about the ideal weight for a Champion crossfitter? How about what you should eat between workouts? How you should warm up? He goes over these ideas and many more in his articles. A must read.

Who Will Win the Games? Part 1
Who Will Win the Games? Part 2

Friday’s Workout:

Warm Up: 200 Double Unders for Time (10 minute cut off)

Workout #1) Clean

Practice your power or squat clean. Sprinkle in some clean pulls and tall cleans. Go for a max if you are up to it. Safe max is great too.

Workout #2) Griff

For time:
Run 800 meters
Run 400 meters backwards
Run 800 meters
Run 400 meters backwards

Leaderboard is Griff.

Hugs and Kisses,

The Shepherd

It has been way too long folks.

I had a whole blurb I was going to write up but I think Greg Glassman says it all in this video. I really liked his discussion about intensity at the end of the reel.

Thursday’s Workout:

Fight Gone Bad

Max Reps in 1 Minute of Each:

Wall Balls (20/14 lbs)
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75/55 lbs)
Box Jumps (20″)
Push Press (75/55 lbs)
Row (Cal)

3 rounds. 1 minute rest between rounds.

There has been an above average number of graduates to classes in recent months. This will be a great test of how far they have come since joining the other reindeer.

Hit it hard bebes.

Sheppy Loves Ya.

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