April 2012 | Page 6 of 7 | CrossFit VancouverCrossFit Vancouver

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Last week was widow makers, this week we are going to work on our front squat. A good, strong front squat is essential for developing your clean.

Technique: 5 x 10 Front squat

Remember to rack the bar on your shoulders, letting your skeleton take the majority of the weight. Keep your elbows high and your chest proud and remember to breathe properly i.e. do not exhale at the bottom of your squat. Your chest will cave and the bar will travel forward forcing you onto your toes.

Workout: Quickie

4 rounds
10 kb swings
10 toes to bar
10 box jumps

Your score will be your max set of 10 front squats.

Now, here is something interesting that I found. Remember this guy?

It is none other than American swimmer Michael Phelps, who has, overall, won 16 Olympic medals—six gold and two bronze at Athens in 2004, and eight gold at Beijing in 2008 and is soon to be competing at London in 2012. Pretty incredible. Even more incredible is the diet of this Olympian. Check it out.


– Kermatron

Be pro-active: Bad form can lead to injuries. Take charge of your limitations. Mobility drills and stretching exercises will help you preventing sports injuries and correct faulty movement patterns.  Join us today, all levels are welcome. G

March Gold Stars go to…

Sebastian Albrecht 22
Marlaena Poss 19
Alex Ianchici 18
Ben Poss 18
Kathryn Hargreaves 18
Mil Manojlovic 18
Shiva Shirazi-Kia 17
Vincent McCurley 17
Carl Stewart 16
Doreen Walmsley 16
Laura Mar 16
Landon Barretto 15
Amanda Pack 14
Jennine Stockall 14
Jenny Elizabeth Scott 14
Jill Meredith 14
Nathalie Maurer 14
Robert Beaupre 14
Bernard Leclair 13
Lindsay Farlow 13
Rachel Bowley13
Anthony McLaughlin 12
Cindy MacMillan 12
Dallas Hong 12
Dan Carey 12
David Poettcker 12
Dennis Hummerston 12
Jordan Guindon 12
Michael Barahona 12
Mike Fransblow 12
Quin Siah 12
Ronja Runge 12
Scott Petley-Lyon Craig 12
Vicki Grover 12

Well done guys! Alright time for the workout of the day!

Workout: Kermit Gone Bad

3 rounds, 1 min per station with 1 minute between rounds – (think Fight Gone Bad)

KB bear crawl – 10m lengths(red/black – ladies/gentlemen)
Glute-ham situps
D-ball slams (12 lbs/20 lbs – ladies/gentlemen)
Double unders

– Kermie Sutra

classes are informative, challenging and always fun

Cost: $20/one-time or buy a package: 4/$70 10/$130
Questions? Please call Giselle

April 04 – more shoulders and posture and why you should always warm-up your calf muscles before your double-unders…
This Wednesday we will continue adding upper-body mobility and stretching exercises. View the videos posted below and review the warm up and some of the shoulder mobility routine I have been planning to practice together:

Excellent warm-up: upper-body strengthening and stability

Shoulders and Posture: drills to maintaining posture and flexibility

A word about warming up properly – your role in injury prevention
What are the odds? Cory Jenkins, our knowledgeable and experienced RMT/movement expert and loyal member of Crossfit Vancouver found himself injured with a torn calf muscle after a fast set of double-unders last week. We are getting better at warming up our shoulders and hips prior to working out, but have you ever given thought about warming up your lower legs and feet as well? Stay tuned for pictures and a full article about his injury and personal advise to you. In the mean time, watch these videos to get ideas for skipping warm-ups – keep it slow and light for the first few minutes, practice 3D angles…

Quick reminder this weekend is Easter weekend, so the school schedule has been adjusted to the following:

Good Friday – 7am, 11am, 5pm
Saturday – 10am (NOTE: there is no 11am class this week)
Easter Sunday – CLOSED
Easter Monday – 7am, 11am, 4pm, 6pm

Now, I won’t waste too much time talking about today’s workout. I am sure many of you know that it is one of my all time favourite workouts and I can never seem to resist including it in my programming week because it is such a good one. I am of course referring to Nasty Girls.

Technique: Review hang power clean technique and muscle-up progressions.

Workout: Nasty Girls

3 rounds for time
50 squats
7 muscle ups
10 hang power cleans (135 lbs/95 lbs)*

*The leaderboard has the women’s weight set at 85lbs. The official Nasty Girls workout is 95lbs prescribed. Hope everyone appreciates this workout as much as I do!


classes are informative, challenging and always fun

Cost: $20/one-time or buy a package: 4/$70 10/$130
Questions? Please call Giselle

March 28th – Thoracic Spine Mobility

Do you have trouble with overhead exercises, experience lower-back pain or shoulder problems? Come and learn useful tips on how to maintain good posture and on how to change/correct the patter of ribcage mobility. We will test and practice what you can see on the video below. In addition to these (T-spine) drills, our Wednesday stretching exercises will focus 3D hip flexors and on your current flexibility needs.

Dr. Craig Liebenson demonstrates corrective exercise interventions to address thoracic hypomobility.

March 21th

We will follow up with the most current issues and address your immediate flexibility/mobility challenges. See you at 7PM.

Warm up and 3D (dynamic) stretching ideas:

You may have seen us doing something similar at the school before :

March 14th is CANCELLED next class will be on March 21st

Please stay and stretch on your own review basic contract-relax stretching exercises (click here for more information and visit the Stretching Gallery):

March 2nd More 3D Stretching for the Hamstring
We’ll do whatever you need today, more tailored to your immediate need :)
and will review and practice the following videos:

3D stretching of the Hamstring in the Sagittal plane

3D stretching of the Hamstring in the Frontal plane

February 29nd
We will start with some of the warm up shown on the video below than sole of feet, hamstrings hip/piriformis
knee stability and glutes med re-patterning exercises
Partner assisted hip flexors and quad pnf stretches
shoulder mobility band exercises, torso rotation

I love this warm-up – great stuff for shoulder mobility as well

Developing Body Shapes-open shoulder push ups

February 22nd
This Wednesday we are going to focus on more shoulder pre-hab/mobility/flexibility… dynamic core with flexibility + 3D and PNF stretching and will practice THIS WEEK’S VIDEO DRILLS – WATCH BELOW:)

Scapular Mobility/Shoulder Prehab

Developing Shoulder Flexibility

Animal Flow – primal movements

For massage and esthetics services visit our website www.icocoon.ca
February 15th
Focus on lower body + 3D stretching hip flexors, ankle/feet mobility

Why 3D Stretching?
It moves the body in three dimensions at each joint. A three dimensional stretch triggers a three dimensional contraction, all muscles operate in a stretch – contract – stretch – contract format, fulfilling the functional role of the muscle. It has been proven that stretching dynamically and in 3 planes of motion is of greater value than stretching statically and in a single plane. 3D stretches can be used to warm-up before activities, when used in correct form, it re-patterns and strengthens the muscles – successfully applied for rehabilitation.
Giselle’s Pick ;) View this week’s video practice: 3D Lower back/feet mobility drills

See you there :) Post questions or comments below…

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