July 2012 | Page 4 of 6 | CrossFit VancouverCrossFit Vancouver
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You can find some amazing old time strong man feats here

Here is a great TGU step by step how-to by Mike Roberston.

Friday’s Skill/Tech/Strength Element:

6 Turkish Get Ups – alternating, 5 working sets

Friday’s Workout:

100 Swings/100 Burpees – mix and match



Saturday’s Post


Win your Wife’s weight in Beer.  Awesome, just…awesome


Saturday’s Skill/Tech/Strength Element:

No Kip Ring Dips w/ a 3sec pause at the bottom, 5 sets

Saturday’s Workout:

In Teams of 3 or 4

2 km Row – 1 rower per team (coach, set the rowers up in the shallow end)

25 Bear Crawl Relay (20m – 1 length of gym), hand tag required

400m Man Carry/Wife Carry, athlete can not advance unless carrying or being carried by another teammate.



Coach Quin on Caving knees in the landing of the squat clean, or any squat for that matter:

My biggest problem is that when I get close to my 1RM for a front or back squat, my knees cave in. I see this problem around the box as well.
I always thought it was my because my abductors are weak; but that’s only part of the problem, my hip and ankle mobility need some work too. Ankle mobility?  Yes, ankle mobility.  No one seems to think downstream when they see knees caving in. You want to start from the bottom up.
First, I started with making sure my toes were pointed in front of me rather than to the side like how most of us are taught, and don’t get me wrong, toes pointed to the side isn’t wrong but for someone whose knees cave in, it only exagerates the Bambi legs rather than fixes the problem.
Toes pointed to the front, will force you to push those knees out, which will create a solid base. After doing this mobility stretch with the band, I found it helped a lot. Forcing you to start with your feet, to your ankles to your knees and finally those hips. Chain reaction. Miss one of the steps in the sequence and it will fall apart. So follow it!
Second, one of my first days at CFV, Andy told me to get one of those small bands, step into the middle, and squat with it right underneath the knee. This forced me to push my knees out…and damn will you ever feel how tight your hip flexors are! And what was most shocking was how I noticed that my glutes were never fully loaded during a squat, it made my ass more sore than squatting 200lbs.
Third, holding a 10 minute squat (again, toes pointed forward, knees out, chest up – you can hold onto a door frame/squat rack, or if you wanna make it real hard, hold a kettlebell) paired with 5 minutes of samson stretches will help those hip flexors to get nice and limber before you start squatting.
And finally, don’t forget: Stability to stability.  Setting up in a strong STABLE position, loading those glutes, chest proud and a deep breath in will enable for a stable landing position.


Today’s PreWarmup:

Spend some time mobilizing your ankles or hips.  They do a lot of work for you. Give them some love.


Today’s WarmUp:

2 Minute Squat

Samson Lunge 1 length of the gym

5 Rounds


Today’s Skill/Tech/Strength Element:

Hang Squat Clean 3, 3, 3, 3, 3


Today’s Workout:

8 Power Clean (135/85lbs)

12 Wallballs (20/14/12lbs)

5 Rounds


Andy, Quin and Dan

Amanda, pictured left, retires the undefeated 7am ArmWrestling Champ


Position 1

Position 2

Position 3

Today’s Skill/Tech/Strength Element:

A1. Iron Cross Progression holds (elbows straight), 6 seconds, 6 sets

A2. Handstand Facing the wall (or open floor handstand), 30 seconds, 6 sets


Today’s Workout:


5 Handstand Push up

10 Pistols

15 Pullups

Rounds in 20 min




16 Jul 2012

Miss Jaws




Friend of Crossfit Vancouver and Canada’s best lifter/Olympic Medal hopeful, Christine Girard, finishes a Snatch Pull


Today’s Skill/Tech/Strength Element:

2 Snatch Pull (15-30lbs heavier then power snatch)

10 sec rest/strip weight

1 Power Snatch – No press outs


Today’s Workout:

10 Power Snatches

10 Overhead Squats

5 Thrusters

2 min Rest

4 Rounds

Normals: 95/65lbs; Heroes: 115/75lbs; SuperHeroes: 135/85lbs


Subtract rest time from total time for your leader board score.



Today marks the half way point of our 6 week Hang Squat Clean focus.


I think we could have done a better job explaining this protocol when we first rolled it out 3 weeks ago.  Our intension was to get folks to start out sub maximally, and give them two touches of this movement a week for six weeks.  The goal was to add a little weight each week, and by weeks 5 or 6 approach a new PR.


The reason for all of this volume at sub maximal loads is to give our athletes a chance to practice, learn, and refine the hang squat clean without worrying about surviving the lift.  A lot of heavy sloppy reps will only cement poor movement patterns into your CNS.  Poor movement patterns limit your top end…and that makes Sheppy cry…and that makes Tbear cry.  You don’t want to see Tbear cry.

So, if you started off a little aggressive, and the end of week three found you near your limit, just start a new wave like the example above (represented in green).  Wave two should start a little heavier then wave one, and we hope will end a little heavier as well.  Keep it pretty.

Today’s Skill/Tech/Strength Element:

3, 3, 3, 3, 3 Hang Squat Cleans


Today’s Workout:

100m Sprint – 50m out, 50m back

Rest approx 2 min.

4  Rounds


Fastest round of the day takes the leaderboard




14 Jul 2012

CF Games 2012