May 2013 | Page 4 of 9 | CrossFit VancouverCrossFit Vancouver
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‘Live life to the fullest.  Make a Difference.”

The Nutts Foundation

The Lt. Andrew Nuttall, Youth at Risk (LANYAR) Foundation was created in memory of our fellow coach and inspirational human, Andy Nutts.  To read more about Andy, and the incredible person that he was, check out Emily Beers’ Crossfit Journal article, What Would Andy Do?

Since 2007, Charlie Palmer has been volunteering his time to coach teens in Vancouver who are in the ‘alternative’ school system.  To the public, they are ‘youth at risk’, to them, they are

MadLab Youth Warriors

Our mission is to influence positive change, community involvement, mental and physical stamina into the lives of youths in the Vancouver area.  Through crossfit classes in a group dynamic, these young adults will develop strength in all areas of their lives, allowing them to become more engaged in school, work, and their families or communities in general.

Essentially, to live life to the fullest, and to make a difference.

The LANYAR Foundation was incorporated in 2012, and is an official Not for Profit Society.  Presently, we are in the process of applying for Charitable status, so that we may effect greater community change as we expand the Youth Warrior program.

The MadLab Youth Warriors donate their time to help raise funds for the program–they see and feel the difference in their lives, and they work to be ambassadors of the program so that it may continue.  Other charitable organizations such as the Take a Hike Foundation are involved to assist in recruiting teens, and in our fundraising efforts.

To date, the largest event that benefits the LANYAR Foundation is the annual ‘Nutts Cup‘ at Crossfit Vancouver, MadLab School of Fitness. (You can view a Crossfit Journal Video HERE or join the Facebook Event Page)

This event was created in honor of Andy Nutts, and after 3 years is legendary in the Crossfit Community–both within Vancouver and across Canada.

In 2012, 45 teams competed for $5,000 in prize money, while over $5,000 was raised to help create the LANYAR Foundation.

Andy’s Regiment, the PPCLI

More than just an athletic competition, the Nutts Cup celebrates community, honor, fun, and of course the Canadian Military.

Support from Andy’s parents, Rick and Jane, has also kept Andy’s legacy alive in our hearts.  It is this spirit of giving back, and the commitment to foster a greater community future that inspires all of us.

~For information on how you can donate to the LANYAR Foundation, please contact [email protected]

Remember it was a man who lost the CrossFit Games because he couldn’t climb a rope. How the times have changed. Get it ladies!

Ropes are some of the earliest pieces in gymnastics history. The simplest piece of rope can be used for a number of exercises to increase all around strength and stability: Climbing with feet, without feet, with two ropes, upside down, one/two arm hangs, laybacks, pullups, pull downs, rows, shrugs, press downs, hammer curls, supination curls, front/side raises, twists, L-sits, and real world application.

Real world application may be a reach for the masses. Most rope handlers are pirates, fisherman, strong men, long shore men, wranglers, dominatrices,  Cowboys & Indians. You may not fall into either of these job descriptions; However the application is still relative.

Using more than just your arms is essential; no weak upper body excuses today:

*Arms extended overhead, grab the rope.
*Bring your knees as high as you can to the Chest.
*Spanish Wrap or Russian Wrap the feet into place at the highest attainable point.
*Extend the legs and hip, stand tall.
*Hand over hand on the way up and down.

Assistance work may be needed after today’s wake up call:

*Towel Pull-Ups and Rope Lowers. These are essential for working grip around the rope and any other objects that aren’t forged steel bars. Dexterity – Skill with performing tasks with the hands…Oh Yeah
*Knees to Elbows, Toes to Bar, and Tuck ups. These movements drill the technique required to bring your knees high to the first and last anchoring point.
*Planks, L-Sits, and Hollows. These develop another skill set necessary for maintaining position and tension through the dynamic ascent.
*Tug-of-War, Battle Ropes, and Sled Pulls. You will never love the rope if you can’t play with it. These are also essential for coordination and rhythm; These two skills will keep you tuned in when near defeat. Stay in the game tiger.

Deadlifting, Cleans, Snatches, and holding on to the one you love require one thing. Grip. Get one. Get it done.

Bring a sock and mobilize early to get the range you need to climb.
Get up to get down,


Wednesday’s Workout:

Warm Up: Reverse Tabata L Sit

Then you will do 3 tests:

1#) Max Double Unders in 10 minutes

2#) Max Rope Climbs in 3 minutes – DO NOT USE THE NEW ROPES ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE GYM.  They are not ready for use.

3#) 1000 m Row (This is the Leaderboard – PLEASE POST!!)

Coaches do spend some time on technique for all three. You may have to start some on the rope climbs or row.

House of Sheppy

14 May 2013


12 May 2013

Warrior Pose

A number of athletes, including myself, have a number of mobility restrictions. We all fall into one of two categories: Hypermobile or Immobile. You can probably self diagnose yourself at this point. You either live with it, or find a way to change it. No one is out of muddy waters. So what do you do?

Immobile (Most folk)

Work on it. You stiff old dogs need to get into those tissues and work out the junk. Years of sitting or getting kicked in the hip for years have left you rigid and ungraceful.


Foam roll and lacrosse ball smash.
These 2 options are cheap and require little teaching. Both of these tools can be used to smash various tissues in and around your restricted areas. The roller will induce some neuromuscular facilitation and promote circulation to the once healthy area. These tissues can be tight, ropey, and junkie; you don’t need much understanding of the terms to know what your feeling and how your moving. The lacrosse ball is great for climbing into those areas inaccessible by the roller. Roll the ball into those tight corners of the ankle, between the neck and shoulder, and all in those forearms. You may have heard of myofascial release; think of the fascia as a hotel bed sheet encasing your muscles, you’re going to have to kick that sheet around if you want to have a decent night sleep. That sheet will need a release in order for your range of motion to increase. Contract, relax, and treat your body like some cookie dough.

Band distraction.
We’ve all been taught the shoulder band stretches, and some of you may have seen people with bands crammed between their legs. With a little distraction and traction we can get into some areas of stretching that normally would be accessible. Stretching into those end ranges in different positions and can improve joint relationships and all around healthy joint function.

15 Minutes a day. Pick 3 exercises and do them 2-3minutes a side.

Hypermobile (The girl who’s crotch touches the floor when she lunges)

You peeps never think you need to do anything. Unfortunately you have too much on the opposite end; you have lost any idea of where you need to be.


Foam roll and lacrosse ball smash.
You are allowed to smash those tissues all you want, you get tight too. Restoring sliding surfaces and supple muscles is essential for retaining your skill set.

No band distractions. If your elbow is already bending backwards and you have a gorgeous upright squat, there is no reason to get into the capsule and journey around. You are released.

Motor Control.
Get back to the basics of set up. Butt on, abs on, shoulder set, feet screwed, kness out. You need to work twice as hard drilling single set ups and eliminating the variables. Look for torsion, don’t just flop. Let’s get you a little tighter.


Ask a coach for some help, schedule a PT, or come in for a Sunday AM smash fest. Don’t every forget the PNF guru Giselle Nagy. And the endless resource of

It’s your homework for a healthy future,



Tuesday’s Workout:

1#) Widow Makers

Definitely go up in weight from last week. :-)

This will be the Leaderboard. POST!!

2#) J.T.

21, 15, 9

Ring Dip
Push Up

20 minute time limit. Why? Because I don’t want you waiting around forever to do another rep. There is no intensity in that. Either choose the appropriate progressions to get it done inside 20 minutes or…

Little J.T. – 15, 9, 6 :-)

Rope climbs on Wednesday. Bring a sock!



“Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face.” Mike Tyson

One of the reasons we have so few mirrors in the facility would be to encourage feeling the right way to move. Proprioception…but

Some of us just need to see to believe, or to succeed…or not get eaten.

Our peripherals are lethal and we need not neglect them. 70% of our sensory receptors are in the eyes. A quarter billion photoreceptors line the neural retina. This optic tract contains over a million nerve fibres. Each focus point on the retina is about the size of a pin. Only about a thousand of these points is in sharp focus and any given moment. The remainder is given to motion detection and low-light vision. Survival.

Adapting to our current environment can dumb our peripherals. The concrete jungles we live in dial us in to focused points: iPhones, laptops, cubicles, skyscrapers and 25cent peep shows. Use it or lose it. The same neural connections that allows us to stimulate muscle fibres will help us improve hand eye coordination and return our peripherals to their primal state. This also encourages our brain to absorb information; glancing out a window while reading allows our focus to rest and the peripherals take over to re-ensure the surroundings are safe. When our bodies are calm they can enjoy and move forward with the focused activity. A quarter-back must stay calm by being aware in the pocket; you can train all season to take a hit, or just know when ones coming. Peripherals give a means to integrate into a larger whole; central vision may develop skill but peripheral vision keeps it all in proportion. A broader view of the world works just like a broader base fitness program. Take a step back and stimulate the bigger picture (essential for clutch plays on the 18th hole and avoiding getting eaten by a Tyrannosaurus Rex).

CrossFit has given us tools to re-establish the connections with our movement just the way Sport and Play will help you create awareness in the game. iDevice games that claim to increase your peripherals will get you eaten. Get out there this spring/summer.

Coordination. Balance. Agility. Accuracy…wins games and saves lives.

Keep your head up, and here’s another serving of Sheppy Stew,



Monday’s Workout: Crazy 8′s

Loved the game when I was a kid.

Today you will do three 8 minute tests.

Warm Up: Review and practice the workouts movements

At :15 past the hour

8 Minute Amrap

8 KB Swings (black/red)
8 Burpees

Rest 4 minutes

At :27 past the hour

8 Minute amrap

8 DBall/Med Ball Cleans (20/14 lbs)
8 Pull Ups

Rest 4 minutes

At :39 past the hour

8 Minute amrap

100 m run
(use the 200 m track)

If you can’t run then do amrap 8 calorie row in 8 minutes.

Watch for those die hards (love them) trying to squeeze in that last hundy. Those striving for this headed up to the top of the hill put your hand up when you reach the line. Coaches can watch for this.

Add up all your reps and that will be your score for the Leaderboard. And please post your scores!!

Coaches take the remainder of class to stretch those shoulders and hips. Need both of them tomorrow.

House of Sheppy

Item #1: Car Wash

Come on out this Saturday for a fundraiser for our Youth at Risk Foundation.

-11 am until 2pm or until everyone’s car is washed
-$20 Donation gets your car washed
-Burgers, Smokies & Beverages for cash
-All $$ goes to the Nutts Foundation & the Youth Warrior program under CFP.

Event #2: Nutts Foundation Wine & Cheese Soiree

-9pm until midnight
-Not much is better than wine and cheese with friends. Admission by donation, or bring your favorite bottle and sign your name on it – it will become a part of our annual Nutts Cup Wine Raffle. Just ask the Afghan, who won 100 bottles of wine last year! He’s had a pretty bumping year. Read his testimonial HERE.  We will have various bottles of wine and cheese to pair from Liberty Wines, so bring some cash to try them all.

-All donations go to the Nutts Foundation & Youth Warrior Program.
-This will be a more intimate atmosphere than most CFV gatherings.

Item #3: Coaches War Wine Raffle

When you bring your bottle of wine, write your name on it and who your coach is. We’re launching a “Coaches War” this year to see whose students bring the most wine! So if you love your coach, bring a bottle :)

We’ll be collecting wine starting this weekend all the way up to Nutts Cup on August 17th. Then, at the end of Nutts Cup, we’ll raffle off a winner. It might be you with 100 plus bottles of good quality wine this year…

See you on Saturday!

Enjoy your weekend, get out and play.


Friday’s Workout:

Warm Up: 10 good mornings/10 jumping squats/10 cartwheels

Tech: Deadlift – Do 3 sets of a heavy tap and go 3

Workout: Running Christine

3 Rounds for Time

550 m Run
12 Bodyweight Deadlifts
21 Box Jumps (24″/20″)

Saturday’s Workout:

A little modification on The CrossFit Games 2013 Regionals Individual Event 4

As a team of 2 complete the following for time:

100 Wall Balls (20/14 lbs)
100 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
100 Pistols
100 Dumbell Snatch (70/50 lbs)

Fun! Fun! Fun!


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