04 Oct 2013
Next weeks technique
Audrey Tannant Business Development Manager Crossfit Vancouver / Madlab School of Fitness
03 Oct 2013
Meanwhile in China…
Lu Xiaojun making 330lbs (85% of his 1RM) look pretty.
Friday’s Lesson Plan:
A. 3 Power Snatch @ 65-70% of 1RM Snatch, EMOM for 8 min.
Focus on speed through the middle.
B. Three athletes to a rower. Trade off rounds of the following:
200m/200m/200m at 80%
150m/150m/150m at 85%
100m/100m/100m at 90%
C. Row 10 sec for peak Wattage.
Rest 1:50 seconds. 10 sets.
Record the highest power (watts) you see for any pull.
Avg. the high point of all 10 sets for your Learderboard score.
Full strokes only, no race starts.
This isn’t just ‘get the fly wheel spinning a little’. It should be a max effort every stroke.
Saturday’s Skill/Strength Element:
4/4 Bulgarian Split Squats, 4 sets
Saturday’s Workout:
In teams of 2, 1 member working at a time
42-30-24-18 rep rounds* for time
All done with a plate (45lbs /25lbs)
Burpees (plate to ground then press out overhead)
Weighted back extensions
Box step ups (24/20″)
Weighted abmat sit-ups
*200m plate run between rounds. 1 member carrying the plate at a time.
Coaches, in the event of a large class, start teams at different stations.
Roll out, Stretch out.
03 Oct 2013
Fall 2013 MadLAB Tournament – Get off Your ARSE!
Starting October 16th, this classic tournament will be open to 30 competitors. Sign up fast as this is an experience you’ll never forget in team comradery and good old fashioned competition between you and your friends.
The tourney is open to all students in classes, with the approval of your coach.
You will have first access to the pre-release of the MADlab Pocket coach (free) to establish your fitness level score. The fitness rating for this tournament will be based on 7 scores: 400m ball run, max pull-ups, max pushups, tabata squats, push press, deadlift, 1 mile run.
We will designate 10 captains then we will have a draft based on these scores and the captains intuition.
There is potential for 10 teams of 3, of which each team will contain at least 1 female.
The competition will be held Wednesday evenings at 7pm, have 4 round robin rounds, a semi final and final.
The sign-up sheet is up NOW.
The competition will be hosted by the original founders of The Madlab Tournament……..Patty and TBear.
Cost is $30 per person
Come out and compete, and share in the glory with all those legends who have had their names hoisted up to the rafters!!!
02 Oct 2013
Nutts… the Video Release
First off, I’d like to say a huge Thank You to everyone who organized, volunteered, competed, fundraised, donated, cheered, pig-whispered and partied hard for our 4th annual Nutts Cup. This event is the baby of Crossfit Vancouver, and truly shows our commitment to a community greater than ourselves.
Wherever I go, I run into Crossfit gym owners and athletes who know about Crossfit Vancouver through the Nutts Cup. Seriously, this event is a BIG deal, and an amazing legacy for Andy Nutts and the Nuttall family.
Colter (Brontosaurus) has yet again produced a kick-ass video from August 17th, and you can finally relive the magic here:
(He even managed to get one shot of him in there!)
I’d love to mention everyone who helped out… but to be honest there are so many people that it is overwhelming. It truly is a beautiful thing to have a community of people come together for one day to celebrate, honour, remember, and pay-it-forward. Andy’s Gnomes, Sheppy’s Judges, Dashie’s Organizers, Emily’s Team Fundraisers, and Squad’s Social Butterflies really made this event happen: we could not have done it without you.
We raised $18,287.45 this year. $4,500 was prize money, and after everything was said and done, we made a net of $7,140.38 for the LANYAR Foundation. WOW! Last year we made half that.
So where does the money go?
The Youth Warriors program has expanded to 2x/wk, with our veteran Warriors now mentoring the newbies coming in. Charlie is getting paid to manage, develop, and coach; and Sean gets a little stipend for his tireless efforts. Our board of directors (Patty, Hallie, Easy, Rhea & Dain) and manager (moi) are working toward applying for Charitable status, and paying lawyer and accountant bills to make that happen. (Little shout out here to Matlock & Posh for their efforts in helping us out with this process.)
All in all, the Lt. Andrew Nuttall, Youth at Risk (LANYAR) Foundation is a dream that is actually making a difference. And that, is something that we all can be proud of.
Thank you,
Today’s Strength Element:
Sumo Deadlifts 3, 3, 3, 3
Leave some in the tank here.
Today’s Workout:
12 Reverse Lunge w/ barbell in the rack position (95/65)
12 Shoulder to Overhead
3 Rounds
2 min rest
12 Suit Case Deadlifts* (95/65)
12 Burpees
3 Rounds
2 min rest
12 WallBalls (20/14/12)
12 Toes to Bar
3 Rounds
Total time for Leaderboard
*We haven’t done these before, finding the middle of the bar is key. And squeeze the hell out of it.
No tape on the barbells.