13 Apr 2011
BK’s Mona Lisa Smile
Is it just me…?
Saturday’s Skill/Tech Element:
Box Squat 1 RM*
Saturday’s Workout:
25 KB Swings (1.5/1 Pood)
25 Burpees
4 Rounds
*often at CFV we focus on generating as much speed as possible off the box with around 50-60% of 1RM Back Squat.
Today we are going to focus on putting as much weight on the bar as possible. Sit waaay back. Knees out. Spotters be ready.
Sunday’s Workout:
Crossfit Games Open Workout 11.3, Round Two
165/110lbs Squat Clean
165/110lbs Jerk
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes
13 Apr 2011
Little Paleo Gathering – Friday 6 to 9
Come mingle and show off some or just tell us about your paleo treats. I’ll have a small BBQ ready as well. Our very own Charlie Palmer will be playing a tune or two on the acoustic guitar as well.
Please note this is an event for ALL Crossfit Vancouver crew not just the Battle Paleo enthusiasts! We want as many people there as possible, I know the Brown Owl will be there with her amazing paleo treats and a few others! It is a time for all of us to get together and discuss what we want and need out of a paleo lifestyle and also just to hang out!!!
Please bring a little somethin-somethin – maybe a paleo dessert or your best meatball recipe or whatever items that you’ve been wolfing down and getting skinny with. Please share with us. It’ll be great to hear a few recipes and what sort of gameplan the winners used to take down the top spots.
It is always interesting to find out what people did and how they achieved their % loss. Some it was a small change, others huge!!!! This night is a great time for everyone to share and to help make the next challenge even better!
Hope to see everyone there!!!
Tbear and Dash (the cannot stop cheating couple since battle paleo ended)
By the way there are some pretty sweet prizes!
Guess who is coming to town:
The 6 Week Results:
1st $200 group of 9 Competitors
First Place Lisa Blewett (36.6%) – $1300.00
2. Dashie (34.7%) – $200.00
3. Chubey (26.4%) – 6th pick of prizes
4. BK (26.3%) – 7th pick of prizes
5. Tbear (18.7%)
$100 Group of 10
1. Meriav (37.1%) – $500 Cash
2. Cam (34.2%) – $100
3. Fleur (32.9%) – 1st pick of prizes
4. Jill (23.65%) – 9th pick of prizes
5. Ronja (23.61%) – 10th pick of prizes
$100 Group of 13
1. Dean (35.5%) – $680 Cash
2. Shaaq (31.3%) – $100 Cash
3. Mel (29.5%) – 2nd pick of prizes
4. Kayla (29.4%) – 3rd pick of prizes
5. Snoball (28.3%) – 4th pick of prizes
6. Shazaam (25.6%) – 8th pick of prizes
7. Smokey (21.9%) – 11th pick
$70 Group of 8
1. Jeff (31.6%) – $250 bucks
2. Kathryn (27.9%) – $70 entry
3. Jess (26.7%) – 5th pick of prizes
4. Heather (21%) – 12th pick
5. Jenny (15%) -14th pick
$200 Group of Four
1. Fred (31.9%) – $400Cash
2. Jules (21.2%) – $200Cash
3. Kevin (17.8%) – 13th Pick of prizes
4. Evan (14.3%) – the choice of picked over prizes
13 Apr 2011
Tunes On, Pants Off
Tunes on – check…pants off – check…405lbs Bent Over Row for 8 – no biggie.
Seriously strong back.
Smitty from Dieselcrew.com on the Bench
Today’s Strength Element:
A1. Bench Press 3 Reps, 4 Sets, Rest 1 min
A2. Bent Over Row 5 Reps, 4 Sets, Rest 2 min
Today’s Workout:
20 Squats
10 Ring Dips
100m Run
8 Rounds
13 Apr 2011
Crossfit Games Open Week 3
Today’s Warm Up:
WallBall/KBSwing Ladder, 7 minutes @ 80% effort
Today’s Skill/Tech Element:
Practice Squat Clean +Thruster, Squat Clean + Push Press, Squat Clean + Push Jerk, Squat Clean + Split Jerk
You will want to have all of these options open to you, for today’s workout
Today’s Workout:
Crossfit Games Open Workout 11. 3
165/110lbs Squat Clean
165/110lbs Jerk
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes
13 Apr 2011
Paoli talks Push Ups
Details at GymnasticsWOD
Carl P talks Push Ups, Part 2
Carl P talks Push Ups, Part 3
Today’s Skill/Tech:
Back Levers, 4-6 sec hold with the hardest progression you can manage, 4 sets
Today’s Workout:
800m Run
40 Pull Ups
80 Push Ups
120 Hollow Rocks
160 Mountain Climbers
800m Run
This WoD is to be done a la Murph, where the athlete starts on the run, finishes on the run, and completes the remaining movements in what ever oder they see fit.
For the Mountain Climbers, every time a foot is placed outside a supporting hand it is considered a rep.
13 Apr 2011
The mighty Koklayev jerking two guys…you heard me.
Today’s Skill/Tech Element:
Split Jerks from behind the neck 5 sets, 3 reps
Focus on sticking the landing
Today’s Workout:
Anaerobic Lactic Power Row
30 second Row
150 second Rest
6 Rounds
Total Meters
Coaches – if you have a large group to manage, organize heats, where athletes start a new round every three minutes
Athletes – keep power output as high as possible from start to finish
Reminder – Paleo Party – This Friday 6-9pm – Everyone Welcome
Cash Payouts, Bring your own Paleo Treats (think Protein 1st), T’s got the Wine and Raw Milk Cheeses
Discussion on next Challenge. May 1 to July 1 People – Two Months – 1 Cut at the 5 week mark.
13 Apr 2011
Box Squat/Fran-ish
Dave Tate coaching the box Squat
Today’s Skill Element
Box Squats 2 reps, 10 sets
Focus on getting hips back/shins vertical on the way down, and explosive speed on the way up
Today’s Workout
9 Thrusters (95/65lbs)
9 Pull Ups
5 Rounds
If Sheppy comes through on his threat, you’ll all have a date with Fran in two weeks.
Is knowing better than not knowing?
This WoD will give you a taste of what’s to come. Same movements, same total reps, slightly different setup.
13 Apr 2011
Our very own on the Games Site
Someone you might recognize…
13 Apr 2011
The weekend: Time to Reflect
I interviewed Dan Rogers, last year’s Fittest Man in Canada, this morning. I was expecting to have a conversation about his quest to return to the CrossFit Games this year, a conversation about his training and his mental preparation bla bla bla. While we covered the basics, we ended up talking about what he loves most about CrossFit.
“The other day we did skin the cats, and this 45-year-old woman I coach looked at me at the start of class with an expression that said, ‘You’re crazy. There’s no way I’m going to invert myself like that on the rings.’ Then the next thing you know, she did a skin the cat, and her face absolutely lit up when she got off the rings,” said Rogers.
In short, what Rogers loves about CrossFit is how “it allows you to do things you didn’t ever think we’re possible.” For Rogers, this meant making it to the highest level in this sport, the CrossFit Games. For his 45-year-old client, it meant getting herself upside down for probably the first time in years, or maybe ever.
It got me thinking about my own clients. The other day, I had a similar situation with one of my students. Her warm-up was GH sit-ups and Box Jumps. She sat on top of the GH machine sweating with fear – her hands clenching on to the machine, refusing to let go. I had to spot her with both hands as she slowly lowered herself backward. Then came the daunting box jump. She stared at the box for five minutes before attempting her first leap onto the box.
Fast forward five minutes. Suddenly the same woman was rocking out GH sit-ups and box jumps as if she’d been doing them her whole life.
Achieving things we didn’t think were possible.
Another example – Donkey.
The other day, he comes in and busts out three muscle ups in a row. He hops off the rings, lets out a satisfied, ‘Yes,’ looking happy as a clam. “Andy helped me with it in the 11 am class the other day, and then I had this revelation about throwing my hips forward as I was at home,” said Donkey, who has finally figured out the trick to consistent muscle ups.
Achieving things we didn’t think we’d ever be able to do.
Another one: PBI.
Earlier this week, he busted out an 185 lbs. overhead squat. I asked him how much he could overhead squat when he arrived at CrossFit Vancouver a couple years ago. He laughed and said, “A broomstick…a heavy broomstick, though.”
Now it’s your turn. How has CrossFit helped you conquer a fear, or achieve something you didn’t think you’d ever be able to do? Post to comments.
Warm-up: Dot Drill
Tech: Shoulder Press (7 rep. max)
WOD: Partner WOD
8 rounds (each)
200 metre run
One person running while the other person is doing L pull-ups. Keep track of how many L pull-ups you get as a team. Each person runs 200 metres eight times and does L pull ups 8 times.
Post 7 rep. max shoulder press to leaderboard
Tech: Deadlift – go heavy
WOD: Games WOD
15 minute AMRAP
9 Deadlifts (155/100 lbs.)
12 Push ups
15 Box Jumps
13 Apr 2011
Congrats BK – Make sure she is not a total bitch
It has happened, someone from our school is finally going to get the 15 minutes (10 hours actually) of fame we so richly deserve.
BK “The ladies man ” Lindwall will be leaving us for a few months starting in July. He has been accepted as the next bachelor on the TV show you have all come to know and love (or despise and still watch).
It took a team effort. Between Eunice’s writing, Kimmy’s photography and Baby’s many phnoe calls with the producers, we got it done.
Un F@*king believeable!!! Nice work guys.
We wish the BKer the best and hope he brings a babe home for Rudy to Enjoy!!!
Go get em Brother…….and tell em who got ya there!!!
Crossfit Vancouver Bitches!!
F@*king Awesome……Life just keeps on getting better and better