13 Feb 2013
Time is a rubbery thing
Our perception of time is one our most finely tuned senses. Its vital to our basic survival. Our brain is capable of accurately tracking minutes, weeks, months, and seasons, all the way down to nine-millionths of a second! But even though time is a fixed dimension, what goes on between our ears is very plastic. How we interpret a situation vastly influences how we perceive the passage of time. In many cases, when under duress, time seems to move at a snails pace. Falling from a tree, or losing control of a car on back ice, can last only moments but can feel like an eternity. The night I babysat my screaming nephew was the longest week of my life. Its cool how something as constant and unvarying as time can be so subjective.
This article attempts to explain why.
Bill has one of my favourite workouts planned for you all today: Quarter Gone Bad.
Pay attention to how long 15 seconds of heavy thursters feels, compared to 15 sec of weighted pull-ups, and burpees. I’d be interested to hear what you think.
Lesson Plan for Thursday, February 14th:
Warm-up: 5 minute burpee wall ball ladder
Tech: Thruster
Do some lighter weights for higher reps then work towards a 1 RM on the thruster. Mix in warming up your weighted pull-ups in between attempts and sets.
WoD: Quarter Gone Bad
Five rounds for total reps of:
135/95 pound Thruster, 15 seconds
Rest 45 Seconds
50/30 pound Weighted pull-up, 15 seconds
Rest 45 Seconds
Burpees, 15 seconds
Rest 45 seconds
Broth is Beautiful.
Why you ask?
Here are the Cole Notes from Sean Croxton’s Top 5 Reasons Why Bone Broth is the Bomb :
1. Its great for the joints
2. Bone Broth makes your hair, and nails look great
3. Bone Broth helps heal you gut
4. It reduces your need for protein
5. Bone Broth is a fantastic de-toxer
Need more reasons:
Bone Broth helps support the adrenals, and repair unhealthy gums. Its a rich source of bio available minerals. It improves immune function and helps heal tooth decay.
Its a key ingredient in classic gourmet cooking. And its super cheap, if you make it yourself.
Check out Sean’s site Under Ground Wellness for more info.
Sally Fallon also has a great resource called Broth is Beautiful,which also has a couple of great recipes.
Lesson Plan for Wednesday, February 13th:
Warm-up: 3 rounds
200m run
10 hang muscle snatch w/an empty bar
7 front squats w/an empty bar
Take the first round nice and easy. Pick up the pace a bit for round two. Then hit round three a little harder.
Tech: Pressing Snatch Balance w/three breath pause at bottom
Again, the focus here is on stability so go light and own the movement.
WoD: Nancy
5 rounds of
400m run
15 overhead squats (95/65)
11 Feb 2013
Survey Says?
Hopefully, over the past few months you have all noticed a few changes around CFV. Many, if not all of these changes are as a result of our “Town Hall Meeting”.
Monthly Programming, Tommy-Loo-Hoo is handling facility management, Daily Instructional Content is posted before 8pm, Coach:Student Ratio in Classes, shorter circle questions, Specialty Programs are being offered regularly, and the Lt. Andrew Nuttall, Youth at Risk Foundation is officially a ‘not-for-profit’ society!
Thank you ALL for helping us make CFV better!
But… we’re not done yet!
Help Us Help You….
This community comes down to every one of us… every one of YOU. So, have a little FUN, and let us know what we are doing right, how we can make your life better, and maybe settle TBear’s argument that he is obviously the hottest coach at CFV.
CFV Client Feedback Survey
Team Andy
Lesson Plan for Tuesday, February 12th:
Warm-up: 10 burpees, 10 pull ups, 10 burpees
Tech: WoD movements. Spend 10 minutes warming up and finding progressions for the WoD movements.
WoD: 10 rounds
2 muscle-ups (bar or rings)
4 handstand push-ups
12 kettle bell swings
Give preference to seated shoulder press for progression toward the handstand push-up. If you don’t have muscle ups do 2 chest to bar pull ups and 2 dips per round instead.
10 Feb 2013
Monday February 11th perfect practice
***Holiday schedule change***
Please note – there are only two classes on February 11’s agenda: 11am and 5pm. All other classes are cancelled.
Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect – Vince Lombari
As you may know, over the next month or so, Crossfit Vancouver’s strength/movement focus will be on the Back Squat and the Snatch Balance (and its variations).
Bill’s programming will ensure we get plenty of touches on these two elements in the weeks to come, but he wanted me to write a little bit about Dedicated Practice.
Current research shows that the quality of your practice is just as important and the quantity. Our psychology and physiology are hard wired to always make us better at exactly what we do! This means that your current body is the direct result of your habitual activities. The lesson here is that if you train with poor form or even slightly poor form – your body will get better at moving incorrectly, causing compensations and injuries that are bound to limit output.
Our goal in this mesocycle is to get you all as close to virtuous as possible at these focus movements, to better prepare you all for the CF Open workouts coming up in March.
This will require a level of focus that many at CFV are unused to asking of themselves during our Skill/Strength sessions. For the next few weeks, when playing with the Back Squat and Snatch Balance, we wont necessarily ask you to throw as much weight as you can on the barbell, what we are asking of you is to find the perfect rep. You may not ever find it, but after every set, every rep, ask yourself how you can make the next one better.
That said, the closer you can get to a 1RM with perfect form, the closer you’ll be to mastery.
Demand more from yourself.
Lesson Plan for Monday, February 11th:
Warm-up: 3 rounds of Cindy
Strength work: Back Squats (10,10,10,10,10) + 50 GHD sit-ups
Gold star rating if you can do all sets of 10 with perfect form at body weight or above.
WoD: Flight Simulator
Double Unders
You must get all of the double unders in a row to move on to the next set and must pause between sets. Just a quick little practice session at double unders to wrap things up. 10 minute cap. If yours aren’t good enough to attempt this just spend 10 minutes practicing your double unders.

There is a function going on with the Vancouver Symphony this weekend so we are NOT ALLOWED to park in the back parking lot at all on Saturday. Please park along the side roads on 3rd and 4th ave.
Hope you all have a fantastic long weekend and get a chance to enjoy B.C.’s very 1st Family Day!!
AND, Saturday night is one of two chances for you to watch Bobbi play a Roller Derby match. A bunch of us are going out to support her. It’s at Stardust in Surrey and her team – The Terminal City All Stars – are playing a team from Washington. Doors open at 10 pm. Game starts at 10:30 pm. Come join us and cheer! Sneaking in booze in disguised containers is perfectly acceptable.
Stardust: 10240 City Parkway, Surrey, B.C.
Lesson Plan for Saturday, Feb. 9th
Part A – 400M run backwards, 400M run forwards
Part B – reverse tabata flexed arm hang (8 rounds: 10 sec work, 20 sec rest)
Skill Work:
Spend 10 minutes warming up WoD movements
WoD: Partner Grinder – one person working at a time (40min. limit)
200 russian kb swings (24kg, 16kg)
200 shoulder press (65#, 45#)
200 box jumps (24″, 20″)
200 push-ups
200 knee to elbows
5 min. total plank hold to finish (one person holding the plank at a time)
Lesson Plan For Sunday, Feb 10th
Choose your own adventure… pick one of the awesome workouts from this past week and crush it! Make sure to post your score to the leaderboard!
Benny, Bill and Patty