All Fools Day | CrossFit VancouverCrossFit Vancouver
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All Fools Day

All Fools Day

For the eager pranksters, there is nothing as unbeatable as the centuries old tradition of April Fools’ Day.

I know a lot of people tend to dislike this day, but that’s probably because they are the ones being hoaxed upon.

In recent years I am sure that the home/ office 1-on-1 pranks have decreased, as with all technology on a constant rise the media has been more prominent at hoaxing larger majority. The media also will ‘cooperate’ with a large hoax to help make the information more credible.  Just remember that you can’t believe everything you read online…especially on April 1st!

Where does this day originate from? Most popular belief, is that it may have come from French culture as France changed its calender in the 1500′s so that New Years would begin in January to match the Roman calender. The word traveled slow to rural areas and many country folk ended up still celebrating in the late spring (a week-long celebration ending on April 1st), as they became known to be April Fools for it when the city folk made fun of the town folk.

Although it wasn’t an April Fools prank, it is, in my opinion one of the most heartbreaking pranks I fell for to date…



Warm Up:


In teams of two, trading off lengths:
Player A : Bear Crawl 1 length of the gym
Player B : Deadbug on Player A’s back
4 lengths

A1. Front Squat, approx 85%, 3 reps, 4 sets
A2. Skipping (single skips, alternating foot work), 45 sec, 4 sets

As fast as possible -
8 Front Squat (M – Bdwt, W – .7 Bdwt)
400m Run
Every 5 Min
Three Rounds

Scale as needed (front squats should be difficult, but unbroken)
Leaderboard score will be athlete’s longest round


  • By Lars 01 Apr 2014

    Andy is doing a ‘reverse oil rigger’!

    As well,, where the Fuck is the leader board?

  • By Clyde 01 Apr 2014

    I think No No took it with him.

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