06 Mar 2014
CF Open Workout 14.2
I was hoping to track down this quote last week, before the Open registration closed.
Oh well.
Those who signed up have my respect, regardless of their Leaderboard finish.
Friday’s Workout:
CF Open WoD 14.2
Every 3 minutes for as long as possible complete:
From 0:00-3:00
2 rounds of:
10 overhead squats
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
From 3:00-6:00
2 rounds of:
12 overhead squats
12 chest-to-bar pull-ups
From 6:00-9:00
2 rounds of:
14 overhead squats
14 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Etc., following same pattern until you fail to complete both rounds
MEN – includes Masters Men up to 54 years old
95-lb. overhead squats
Chest-to-bar pull-ups
WOMEN - includes Masters Women up to 54 years old
65-lb. overhead squats
Chest-to-bar pull-ups
Saturday’s Warm Up:
Coach Choice Dynamic Warm
Saturday’s Workout:
3 Way Wod
In teams of 3 complete…
135 abmat situps
135 Wallballs 20/14lbs
135 burpees
3000m Row
*One person working at a time until a single exercise is complete.
18 Feb 2014
The Courtesy Wave
One of my biggest pet peeves is the courtesy wave. Wait a second… I love the courtesy wave it is when the wave is missing, that makes me angry. You know when you pull your car over to the side of the road so that someone going the opposite direction can get through. Sometimes they may be an entire block away. When you get ‘the wave’, you feel appreciated. You have been acknowledged. That person noticed that you are a courteous driver…the wave = thank you!
When the other driver doesn’t wave, doesn’t even look in your direction, I personal feel rage building inside of me. Think of the HULK transforming…yes, I am know to road rage from time to time, but I must not be the only one, right?
This is a NEWS ALERT to our community and beyond…The courtesy wave is great! Spread the word and the love!
What about acknowledging your fellow crossfitter’s in the gym during workouts? Are you one to cheer others on in the gym? Again, let’s spread the love!
Post to comments your thoughts on the wave or if you are brave enough, confess if you are not a courteous driver and think the courtesy wave is rubbish!
– Mrs. Palmer
Warm Up
3 Rounds with a Medicine Ball…
8 Chest Pass
8 Sprawl Balls
8 Sit Ups
8 Slam Pass
4 Rounds of…
A1) 20-30 seconds Flexed Arm Hang
A2) Max Strict Pull-Ups
*Hang your chin over the bar for 30 seconds. Drop down and shake your arms out, then jump back up and do a max set of strict pull-ups.
A3) Cartwheel Practice (Click Here) 4-6 attempts from either side
*Have some fun and try to challenge the expression of your movement.
21 Toes To Bar
21 Burpees
21 Double Unders
18 Toes To Bar
18 Burpees
18 Double Unders
15 Toes To Bar
15 Burpees
15 Double Unders
17 Feb 2014
More Reasons to Love Fish Oil…
I saw this video on the news, while in Hawaii, a month ago and knew that I wanted to share it with the community!
Pretty amazing story. Check out this CNN News clip about a 16 year old kid whose brain was saved by fish oils.
Mighty Omega fish oil is available in the Vending machine, at the Pro Shop, or at www.epicnutrients.com.
Warm up
5 minutes Hip Mobility
3 x 12 Glute Bridges
3 x 6 Power Box Jumps 25/15
3RM Backsquat @ 90% Effort
Strength Circuit
5 Rounds for formidable strength…
8/8 Dumbbell Reverse Lunge
8 DB Sit Ups (Held at Chest)
30 seconds GHD Back Extension Hold
30 Jul 2013
Wednesdays wod July 31st
Today marks the last day of CFP’s month of programming.

Caption this
Thanks Charlie. There where some real gems in there.
While I appreciated the overhead squat/ring dip focus, I’m really looking forward to what Bill/Ben have in store for us.

Bill. Not pictured, Ben
Tune in tomorrow to find out.
Warmup/Tech: start light and work your way up to a max weight Turkish get up, you must lift on both sides (L&R) arm.
WOD: Sea Sick Helen
Complete the following 3 Rounds For Time:
Row 400m
21 KB Swing 53/35
12 Burpees
29 Jul 2013
Mobile hips make Overhead Squats a cinch
For those of you who are still wondering what good ankle, knee, and hip mobility looks like with a barbell overhead, check out Coach Wu’s warm up:
Wu’s insights can be found at https://www.facebook.com/lifthard8.
Its cool to get a Chinese perspective on all things weightlifting.
Warm up: Shoulder, Hip Mobility/ Overhead squat prep
Tech / WOD:
10 x 10 Overhead Squats
(3-5 slow rings in between sets)
Coaches clean up floor around 10mins before class ends and throw down a 7 minute amrap of 9 T2B & 12 pushup
28 Jul 2013
Your 2013 Champions

Briggs and Froning, being awesome
Boy, that was one heck of a Crossfit Games! Good judging, fun and balanced events, come from behind victories. I think it was the best one yet.
Now on to today’s business.
Charlie has been good enough to program some heavy Clean and Jerks for us today.
Throw in a couple Squat Jerks as you’re getting up to weight.
Its really the only way you’ll be able appreciate what Lu is doing in the video below.
170lbs Lü Xiaojun toying with 445lbs. Now that is poetry.
Tech: Clean & Jerk
Workout: complete the following for time,
12 clean & jerk 135/85lbs
800m run
6 clean & jerk 155/105lbs
400m run
3 clean & jerk 175/125lbs
200m run
25 Jul 2013
The Iron Never Lies
The East Van Barbell Club will be training this Saturday and every Saturday for the rest of the Summer at 10:30am. If you’ve thought about trying it out or you’re interested to see what we do, come out and join us for a lifting session!!
As well… the CrossFit Games individual and team competition resumes today. I’m sure some of the athletes are still a bit sore from that epic 21km row on Wednesday but they better suck it up because it is going to be a monstrous weekend of competition!!
And for those that don’t know… B.C.’s own Lucas “The Mighty Ginger” Parker is competing with the individual men again this year. If you have a chance to watch any of his heats, do it! He’s definitely a crowd favourite and brings his own flare to the games with his giant, red viking beard!
Here is the double WOD post for the weekend. Sunday is a make-up day, so come in, hit a WOD you missed during the week and then get outside and enjoy this absolutely beautiful weather while it lasts!!!
Warmup: coaches’ choice
Tech: Front & Back lever and progressions
Workout: Tabata something else
Every rep counts so keep a running total for 32 rounds
WOD: Partner Farmer Carry Plus
AMRAP in 30 minutes:
200m partner farmers carry
20 partner d-ball slams (standing 2 mat lengths apart, Partner A does one d-ball slam then chest passes to Partner B and so on)
10 partner push-ups (hand slaps at the up position)
Boys use 45-55lbs for the partner carry and a 20lb ball for the sit-ups. Girls use 25-35 lbs and a 12lb ball. Guy-girl pairs can go with the lighter weight.
If you feel you are losing your grip and your posture on the farmer carry share the weights and let your partner take over. Score is total rounds plus any reps of sit-ups and push-ups done in the the last round.
23 Jul 2013
Reebok CrossFit Games 2013
Today is the first day of competition to find the fittest man and woman on Earth at the 2013 Reebok CrossFit Games in Carson, California. And what events are they starting with this year?!?! Two pretty gnarly WOD’s if you ask me!!
The first event of the week is a swimming/bar muscle up AMRAP and I’m really curious to see how the athletes grips hold up as the workout goes on. And the 2nd WOD of the day is a half marathon row… yes, that’s right, over 21,000 meters!! I’m not sure how exciting this event will be to watch, but I’m very interested to see how some of the 8-12 minute long metcon king and queens hold up in such a long, gruelling endurance event.
And I really wish that Miko Salo was able to compete this weekend but he had to pull out due to an abdominal injury. I remember watching a video of him years ago where he rowed 5k in a storage room in his basement because he enjoyed the solitude. I think he would have done very well in the rowing event.
Anyways.. if you’re interested in checking any of it out over the next 5 days, the CrossFit Games website will have live coverage of all the events.
Lesson Plan for Wednesday, July 24:
Tech: deadlift
Workout: #1 emom complete 6 B-W-D-L for a total of 6 minutes
then rest for 3 minutes.
WOD #2 is a 6 minute AMRAP
1 H-S-P-U
1 muscle up
22 Jul 2013
Another Ode to Overhead Squats
It’s Tuesday again and we’re address your mobility issues with the overhead squat. You know you got’m so get in and work on it! Here are some ideas to get you started from K-Star’s awesome blog, mobilitywod.com
Lesson Plan for Tuesday, July 23:
Warm up: Shoulder, Hip Mobility/ Overhead squat prep
Tech / WOD:
10 x 10 Overhead Squats
(3-5 slow rings in between sets)
Coaches clean up floor around 10/15mins before class ends and throw down a 7 minute amrap of 6 burpees & 9 k-b-s
Remember have fun.
21 Jul 2013
The Active Ingredient Is Marketing…
That’s what I usually tell myself, or anyone who’s around whenever I see a new supplement ad. There are usually big promises and even claims of scientific studies to back up those promises in the ad or on the product label but I always ask myself who is running these studies and what do the results really mean. I came across a cool website of a couple of smart guys who ask those same questions. Then they go dig up these studies and read them along with any others they can find on the topic. And then they grade these studies and the likelihood of validity of their claimed results. And then they publish that along with other thoughts on the subject to their website. You get the idea. There’s a whole boat load of information about supplements there.
I’ve been finding myself referring anyone who asks me about a supplement to this site. It’s pretty cool. Here’s a snapshot from Examine.com on their review of creatine:
Grade | Level of Evidence |
A | Robust research conducted with repeated double blind clinical trials |
B | Multiple studies where at least two are double-blind and placebo controlled |
C | Single double blind study or multiple cohort studies |
D | Uncontrolled or observational studies only |
Level of Evidence | Effect | Change | Magnitude of Effect Size | Scientific Consensus | Comments |
A | Weight | + |
Strong |
See all 18 studies |
Appears to have a large effect on increasing overall weight due to water retention in persons who respond to creatine supplementation. Degree of increase is variable. |
A | Hydration | + |
Notable |
See all 9 studies |
Appears to be quite notable due to the increase in water weight in skeletal muscle tissue following creatine supplementation. |
B | VO2 Max | + |
Minor |
See all 4 studies |
Improvements in VO2 max are not wholly reliable, and appear to be low in magnitude. |
B | Muscle Creatine Content | + |
Strong |
See all 10 studies |
Creatine supplementation is the reference compound for increasing muscular creatine levels; there is variability in this increase, however, with some nonresponders. |
B | Testosterone | + |
Minor |
See all 4 studies |
Degree of testosterone spike is not overly notable, although it appears to be present |
Warmup: Coaches choice
Tech: Single Leg Deadlifts – work on your balance and move up in weight (5,5,3,3,2,2,1,1,1,1,1) – use barbells
Workout: “Double Trouble”
2 Rounds
50 double unders
20 Single Leg Deadlifts alternating legs L/R (65/95)
2 Rounds of:
15 Burpee Pull-ups
200m run