CFV In-House Comp | CrossFit VancouverCrossFit Vancouver
1980 Clark Drive, Vancouver BC V5N 0A9
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 | (604) 253-1261

CFV In-House Comp

CFV In-House Comp

So as promised the events for the upcoming in house CFV Competition are a follows. If this is news to you look back to yesterdays post.

Event 1

One person working at a time follow the leader:
12 min time cap
5 rope climbs (5 pull ups/5 K2E = 1 rope climb)
25 box jumps 24/20″
50 Wall balls
100 Double Unders

Event 2:

7 min to establish max Hang Clean for all 3 athletes, female lift is divided by .7
7 min for max HSPU (sub 5 push ups = 1 HSPU)
each workout is scored individually

Event 3:

As a team, one athlete working at a time
100 KB snatches (1.5/1 pood)
100 burped onto plate (45/25)
100 pull ups
100 overhead lunges (45/25)

Like I mentioned yesterday if you want to join with a team that’s cool, if not register solo and we will find a team for you. Capped at 21 teams.

If you have any questions ask Lumber or myself.


Warm Up:

dynamic warm up
20/20 leg swings
20/20 banded lateral walks
20 t spine bridge
20 glute bridges


EMOM for 10 min

2 front squats with 3 second pause
+5 lbs from last week


4 rounds


3 min on 1 min off

10 wall balls 20/12
10 burpee box jumps 20
10 kb swings 53/35
25 double unders


3 min on 1 min off

10 wall balls 20/14
10 burpee box jumps 24
10 kb swings 72/53
25 unbroken double unders


  • By Vincent 28 Jan 2014

    Kimmy asks – Y U no add running yo?

  • By Clyde 29 Jan 2014


    Our booties make up 66% of a team. Who should we invite for our third?

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