16 Apr / 2014
Easter Weekend Class Schedule Change
Attention! Holiday Weekend Class Schedule:
Friday April 18th: Closed
Saturday April 19th: 10am and 11am
Sunday April 20th: Closed
Monday April 21st: 10am and 5pm
Thursday’s WarmUp:
1 Length Walking Lunge with a Mobility Focus
10 2 for 1 Wallballs
1 Length Walking Rest
4 Rounds
Thursday’s Skill/Str Element:
A. Power Box Jump, 1.1.1 reps, 4 sets
B. Speed Squats, 4 reps @ approx. 55% of 1RM, 4 working sets
*Each rack will get a timer to time each set. An athlete’s first set should take no longer than 6 sec. If 4 reps take longer than 6 sec, reduce the amount of weight on the bar.
**We’ll use the stop watches measure a Critical Drop Off (1 second for this workout), and manage neural fatigue. So, if an athlete drops 1 full second from the first set to any subsequent set after that, they will discontinue the speed squat portion of this workout.
Thursday’s Workout:
Bring Sally Up – Back Squat
Leaderboard score is barbell weight, if successfully completed.
Compare with Nov 28 2013 (Month of Sheppy).
Saturday’s Warm Up:
Coach’s Choice
Saturday’s Workout:
In Teams of 3, Trading off rounds:
15 min AMRAP
3 Power Clean (135/95)
6 Push Up
9 Box Jump
5 Min Rest
15 Min AMRAP
9 Reverse Burpee
6 Pull Up
3 Ring Dip
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15 Apr / 2014
The Adrenal-Thyroid mystery: Part 1
I have a dear friend who is struggling with weight gain, cycle irregularity, and general fatigue—even though she follows Paleo, does Crossfit, and has twice completed The Whole 30 Challenge.
So what IS the deal?
Are some of us just genetically designed to have these issues? Or, are we somehow setting ourselves up for failure?
The mysterious ‘Adrenal Fatigue’… (Full Article HERE)
The adrenals are two walnut-shaped glands that sit atop the kidneys. They secrete hormones – such as cortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrine – that regulate the stress response.
But these hormones play other crucial roles, many of which are directly related to thyroid health.
‘Weak adrenals can cause hypothyroid symptoms without any problem in the thyroid gland itself. In such cases, treating the thyroid is both unnecessary and ineffective, and addressing the adrenals themselves is the key to improving thyroid function.’
(credit: Chris Kresser blog)
Stress is broadly defined as anything that disturbs the body’s natural balance (homeostasis). Including but not limited to: anemia, blood sugar swings, gut inflammation, food intolerances (especially gluten), essential fatty acid deficiencies, environmental toxins, and of course, chronic emotional and psychological stress.
All of these conditions sound the alarm bells and cause the adrenals to pump out more stress hormones.
Crossfit anyone?
I’m not one of those athletes who train to the extent that menstrual irregularity comes into play. (I’ve done this once, during basic training…and it feels weird.) But over-training can definitely affect your homeostasis and stress you out.
Because the adrenals affect every system in the body, symptoms of adrenal stress are beautifully nonspecific. Awesome.
Some of the more common symptoms are:
- Fatigue
- Headaches
- Decreased immunity
- Difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep and waking up
- Mood swings
- Sugar and caffeine cravings
- Irritability or lightheadedness between meals
- Eating to relieve fatigue
- Dizziness when moving from sitting or lying to standing
- Gastric ulcers
Great. Now what?
Well, let’s start with a Simple Thyroid Test.
And then, move into balancing the Adrenals.
General guidelines for adrenal health: (credit: Chris Kresser blog)
- Avoid or at least greatly minimize stimulants
- Stabilize blood sugar (via a moderate or low-carb diet)
- Practice stress management and relaxation techniques
- Have fun, laugh and make pleasure a regular part of your life
- Avoid dietary causes of inflammation (refined flours, high-fructose corn syrup and industrial seed oils in particular)
- Ensure adequate intake of DHA & EPA
Hmmm…. maybe not like that.
So, HAVE FUN, eat well, maybe drink a little less coffee, and take your fish oil.
I’m only getting started here….
Like the Terminator, ‘I’ll be back’.
Coach’s Choice
A1. Lean and Loiter, 45 sec, 4 sets
A2. Alt Rope Pull Up (L1,2,3,4, or 5) 6 reps, 4 sets
A3. No Money (w/4 sec pause) 6 reps, 4 sets
A4. Ring/Archer Push Up, 6 reps, 4 sets
100 Burpee
200 Double Under
Mix and Match
By Clyde 16 Apr 2014
Can someone please explain why there is no link to the leaderboard from CFV’s website? Is it because this website is an interim website before everything moves over to madlab.ca?
Also, are you still taking comments/concerns about the new leaderboard? Who should we send them to? -
By Baby Nat 16 Apr 2014
Wendy, as far as I understand, the old “Leaderboard” system (if this is what you are referring to) is not, and will (unfortunately) not be linked to the new site, as all performance tracking is transitioning to the MadLab Pocket Coach.
By Squad 16 Apr 2014
Hey Wendy,
We are still takin feedback and ideas for the pocket coach and our new Crossfit Vancouver site.But… A few I us are out of country right now who usually get this shit sorted.
Emily? Colter?? Reto?!?! Can we send this on to push press and the PC guy Denis? -
By Clyde 17 Apr 2014
Thanks Nat, I was referring to the ‘new leaderboard’ that exists within Pocket Coach. We go to the www.crossfitvancouver.com site to find the WOD; but there is no link on this site to enter our score for said WOD. It seems inefficient to me. And I despise inefficiency more than I despise climate change denial
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14 Apr / 2014
Ass Face & Other Anti-Aging Tricks
‘Ass Face’ — a term I made up to harass my older sisters as they used Preparation H on their faces to help with wrinkles and puffy eyes
Yup, Prep H. On the face. That stuff smells like old fish. I suspect from the shark cartilage in there. Good for reducing swelling on the skin… bad for encouraging make-out sessions! (If you’re considering this trick… read THIS first.)
I’ve recently found a new ‘natural’ beauty product that has inspired some questions….
Picture this:
Which is a strange texture and smell combination of these: (no joke)
Mmmm…. wanna make out with this?
Post to comments the strangest / best thing you have ever tried as an anti-aging trick… sugar and lemon juice scrubs… mayonnaise hair masks… carrot oil… you name it. (I’m new to this…)
Andy? What keeps you so young???
Warm Up:
Coach’s Choice
Groove Workout Movements
4 Thruster (95/65lbs)
8 Hang Power Clean
12 Sumo Deadlifts
Rounds.Reps in 20min
Pace yourselves.
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13 Apr / 2014
Family Day Charity Workout Debrief
Afghan here with a long overdue thank you to the community!
On Feb 10th, Family Day weekend, a ton of you came out to take part in a memorial workout for my brother-in-law ,Wes Van Dorn. We had two classes of over 30 people with both the main gym and the shallow end rocking. It meant a lot to me to have so many people come out in support!
Many of you came with cash in hand and donated it for me to make a contribution to an Education Trust for my nephews Jaxton and Maddox. Even others sought me out afterwards to make a contribution. I thank you all for your generosity! The total donation made in the name of Crossfit Vancouver was $1,100.
A big thanks to everyone that came out, donated, or took it upon themselves to take this one on at another time! Thank you for letting me share with you about the unfortunate circumstances that befell Wes.. it helped me grieve and process what I was and am going through, and it meant a lot to my sister to see people taking on a tough workout in honor of Wes.
I’d also like to recognize and express my appreciation to all the gyms in the lower mainland and a few around the world that adopted this into their programming on short notice. Being able to reach out to you all and see you carry a post about Wes and the workout for your communities was very helpful in a trying time.
Love, Afghan.
Monday’s Workout:
Warm Up:
Coach’s Choice
Row 1 mile (That’s about 1600 m y’all!)
‘Rest’ 20 min – work on the skill aspect of one of your goats
Row 1 mile
Total row time for leaderboard
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10 Apr / 2014
In House Comp 2.0
We will be running our second in house Competition Saturday April 26th. It will consist of teams of three. There are no rules as far as men and women on one team. We will cap it at 18 teams of 3.
email [email protected] if you want to register a team. COMP Team members will be provided with teams. If you want to compete and do not have a team, email me, and Lumber or myself will assign you to a team.
If you participated in our first in house Competition I encourage you to do so again. 1.0 was fun and exciting as well as challenging yet doable. I assure you our second edition will be just as awesome.
Our first competition was free, we are going to ask for $20.00 per head ($60.00 per team) this time in order to raise funds for LANYAR.
The workouts.
1. Heats are 8:30-8:50-9:30
16 mins to perform
8 200m ball runs
then, with time remaining each person will find there max weight of the following complex
3 deadlifts
3 hang cleans
3 power cleans
This workout is two data points, the run and the complex.
2. Heats are 12:30-12:45-1:00
9 min Cap. One person working at a time.
80 Overhead lunges 45/25
60 Burpees
40 T2B
then with time remaining accumulate max points
5 points per muscle up
3 points per chest to bar pull up
1 point per pull up
3. Heats are 1:30-2:00-2:30
Fight Gone Bad Follow the Leader
2 Rounds
30 Wall Balls 20/12
30 Sumodeadlift High Pulls 55/35
30 Box Jumps 20″
30 Push Press 75/55
30 Calorie Row
Each partner must complete two rounds, partner 2 cannot begin until parter 1 has completed their second set of wall balls, same goes for parter 3 following parter 2.
Coach’s Choice
Skill/Strength Element:
Sumo Deadlift 3, 3, 3, 3
400m Run
21 KBS
14 V Snaps
3 Rounds
Warm Up:
8-12 SL Hip Thrust w/3 sec hold
8-12 Prone Snow Angels
8-12 Push Back Push Up
8-12 Mountain Hopper
8-12 Hand Cuff Press
10 min
Power Clean
from Cf Invictus-
In teams of 2, 1 working at a time:
100 Power Clears (135/95)
1600m Ball Run (200m laps)
100 Burpees
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09 Apr / 2014
Hairkraft Studio
I’m the kind of guy, who even before the “complimentary” service, got his hair cut about every 2 weeks. High self care maintains a healthy work ethic and reduces the risk of burn out.
The relationship between you and your stylist becomes very special; in my case I get to crawl into bed with mine. They manage to process more feelings than the average therapist, give you an open space to vent, and send you out the door with a winning look. They aren’t that many places you can drop off your emotional baggage and come out gleaming with confidence.
There are experiences that leave you scarred for life, or at least the few weeks until your hair grows out. That fairy god mother can easily turn into the butcher. The emotional connection to hair astounds me sometimes; people who wear hats are inherently crazy (see: Alice in Wonderland). Anything that grows out of the origin of consciousness must be handled with care and compassion. Once you find your wizard of hairkraftmenship, you’ll preach to the masses.
The magnificent Simona Heger has been doing my hair since I made out with her on a couch and woo’d her over a series of romantic rendezvous. I may not pay cash, but if I didn’t have other services to trade, I would gladly front the bill. When you find a pair of skilled hands, you wash, rinse, and repeat. She is always taking new classes to build upon her already vast skill set. Aside from being a stunning example of what a beautiful woman can be, she puts your desires into a reasonable goal with a whimsical twist. Each hair follicle has a personality, and she knows how to work it. As co-owner of Hairkraft Studio, she and her astounding team provide a comfortable environment to build lasting moments and lustrous new looks. It’s no big ghastly salon, so you feel pampered in a cozy nook off main street.
If you think you can just slap a hat and get at it, you’re wrong. There may be some novelty attached to scruffy bed head. There may even be attraction to ratty long locks. Those strands connect directly into the head; don’t be surprised if that look reflects on how bat shit crazy someone is. Fluff those feathers and get some allure into your life; you’ll attract more money, women/men, and be among the stars.
Men’s Cut, Women’s cut, Washes, Styling, Blowouts, Updos, Colours, Highlights, Colour Correction, Chemical Treatments, Bang Trims, Neck Trims, A Braid Bar, and Style Nights.
Simona Heger
[email protected]
[email protected]
Big love,
Thursday’s Lesson Plan
Warm Up:
20 sec Push Up, 1 rep, 3 sets
KB/DB Windmill, 3/3 reps, 3 sets
SA Ring Row, 6 Reps, 3sets
Paloff’s Press, 6/6 reps, 3 sets
Quickly build Bench Press to 85% of workout weight
A1. Lean and Loiter, 45 sec, 4 sets
A2. Alt Rope Pull Up (L1,2,3,4,5 or 6) 6 reps, 4 sets
A3. No Money (w/4 sec pause) 6 reps, 4 sets
A4. Bench Press, 3 reps, 4 sets
By Bryan 10 Apr 2014
If Simona can make YOU look good, it must be worth the money for everyone else!
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08 Apr / 2014
Give them something to talk about
I’d like to give one more shout out to all of you who attended my More than Mobility Seminar. The past 5 weeks allowed me to ramble in my zone, share my knowledge, and ruffle a few feathers. With sensational assistance by Cj Castro, I was able to transfer many of my “no brainer” approaches to regaining functional mobility. I have more clinic and program ideas in the works and look forward to making those available in the near future. Preparing the body for action is one of my specialties.
Sheppy always speaks about developing yourself in here; specifically he refers to becoming “like a Cheetah”. The great thing about them cats is they can nap for hours on end, wake up, do three half ass stretches, and take down a lean evasive Antelope. Unfortunately, when we attempt a similar routine, some of us end up a little more like Chester the Cheetah, making the best of a bad situation.
I could give you shit for snorting that line of Cheetos before stalk the task at hand; instead, let me give you a few reasons to up the priority on greasing the gears:
- Raise Body Temperature to at Least 102 Degrees to Spread Out Molecules
- Reduce Muscle Viscosity
- Reduce Muscle Stiffness
- Increase Muscle and Soft-Tissue Pliability
- Increase Speed of Contraction
- Increase Oxygen Utilization
- Increase Nerve Transmission
- Increase Muscle Metabolism
- Increase Blood Flow to Muscles, Tendons, Cartilage, and Ligaments
- Increase Delivery of Oxygen and Nutrients to Muscle and Soft-Tissues
- Activate Neuromuscular System, Endocrine System, Energy Systems, and Individual Muscles
- Improve Coordination and Reaction Time
- Address Tissue Length and Quality
- Reduce Post-Exercise Soreness
The individual nature of body composition, genetics, hormonal timing, and personality, separate us. Some folk can prowl around for years and take down herds of antelope; they were made for it. The rest either take what they can, get selective with their experiences, or posture up. Regardless of the advantages/disadvantages you have, increasing the quality of your preparation will lead to greater, more valued experiences. It will also leave all the other antelope talking, for years.
Athletic prowess, let’s begin.
Wednesday’s Lesson Plan
Warm Up
Coach’s Choice
30 sec WallBalls (20/14/12lbs)
30 sec Rest
30 sec Power Snatch (75/55lbs)
30 sec Rest
30 sec Box Step Up
30 sec Rest
30 sec Push Press (75/55lbs)
30 sec Rest
30 sec Row (cal)
1:30 Rest
6 Rounds
Coaches, schedule 35 min for this workout.
In the event of a large class, start athletes at different stations.
By Reto 09 Apr 2014
Aait…the Crotch is back on the leaderboard!! I finally figured out how to log in to Pocket Coach. It was totally easy. So watch out y’all, I’m comin after ya!
Can someone program a first day repeat one of these days so we can get some up-to-date data on the fitness rating?? It’s total BS that Sheppy is in the top 10.
that is all
By Genie 14 Apr 2014
The More than Mobility seminar with Chest and CJ was great and SUPER helpful. I highly recommend it, especially if you’ve ever been tweaked, super sore and hobbly!
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07 Apr / 2014
Big Love
Long live MadLab School of Fitness.
I’m known for consistently rambling beyond the point. I was honoured to receive our one of our annual awards this past holiday season: The Most Long Winded Coach (this was accompanied by a rabbit). I know the root of my thoughts are simple, and from many verbals cues, clear. I also strive for acknowledgement; I am a creature of response, lay there and I’ll keep poking. If I am too simple, then ya’ll don’t get the basics; however, let me explain.
I’d like to thank the School and Community for providing the healthy environment for me to grow. I feel as if I was taken in as a career orphan; Tbear took a chance, allowing me to earn my place as a Coach; it may have been my skills performing 3 of any movement with impeccable form, gracefully; it may have been my charming nature that woo’d him; it may very well have been he found someone with smaller teeth than him. The reality is over the past 3 years I have been able to earn and learn in the best of Labs. The school has given me access to thousands of individuals in training, dialogue, and spirit. I have free time to research, train, experiment, laugh, and love. My colleagues offer me insight, critique, and praise (choices are great and all, but ya’ll help me make decisions).
Tbear – The hip uncle from the sea. Those clicks and whistles led me down the path to success.
Patty – The father I never wanted. A level 5 leader with a passion to change to the world, I can follow that.
Shep – The time travelled bro. I feel like we would have been in the same fraternity, you humble impending change. Namaste
Eunice – That down chick. Cuddles and cock blocks all in one super friend. Yoink!
Andy – The ronin. If I could be you, I would, but me. You are a mentor of knowledge and humble humour.
Charlie – The dude. If I could only be viewed as people view you. You are my Taj Mahal. Many fish bite if you got good bait.
Ben – The Bump. A mentor, advisor, and one tough muthafucka. Without you, there was no “that guy’s wife’s best friend” I had to get with.
Dashie – Dashiehounderson. No one can replace you. You are my gahdian angel.
The Community – From the free radicals, veterans, and newbies, you guys make this Lab what it is. You are the reason I can wake up and tell every living soul I love this life. Free muscles up for all! (conditions may apply)
Breasty – Chesty and Breasty sitting on a couch…you know the rest.
Big Love, this thrusts for you…
Emileo Chestevez
Tuesdays Lesson Plan
Warm Up:
A1. Sphinx w/ 5 sec hold, 5 reps, 3 sets
A2. Prone Snow Angel, 10 reps, 3 sets
A3. No Money w/ 5 sec hold, 5 reps, 3 sets
A4. Cuban Press, 5 reps, 3 sets
A5. Ring Bat Wing, 30 sec, 3 sets
B1. Russain KBS, 12 reps, 3 sets
B2. Reverse Burpees (jump for hight), 6 reps, 3 sets
Power Clean briefing
Take exactly 12 min to build up to a max Power Clean
Rest 4 Min
4 min AMRAP Power Cleans at 85%
By Clyde 08 Apr 2014
As self-appointed MadLab Ombudsman, Vice Chair of the Nickname Evaluation Committee, and Free Radical Appointee, I approve this message. Right back at you, Chestevez.
By Fabi 08 Apr 2014
Thanks for all your hapiness and love! You are a awesome coach and one day i´ll see you flying with your superpowers well, Butt power!!! lol
By Dashie 08 Apr 2014
I think your a douche! Ha kidding! Big love you to chesty, you know how much you have helped over the last few years! Your bring so much to my life and to our little amazing community! Big love to you all, miss ya all xxxxxx
PS: sooooo hot in NZ!
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06 Apr / 2014
Lets Work on Some Skillz
This Wednesday the 2nd block of Skill Development 101 is launching. Lots of gains were made in the inaugural block of the program, Steve got his first muscle up, Janel did her first pull up, Jocelyne conquered rope climbs and Wendy is about 1/8 of an inch away from getting her first muscle up as well.
Several folks from the first block are continuing working on their weaknesses, and some new folks have decided to join in on the fun. If you are on the fence or are worried about the time commitment there is some flexibility in structure. If you have any questions, thoughts, comments or interest in this program please send me an email at [email protected].
Here are what some folks have said about the program
“I am really enjoying it; I like the superset structure and the variety that offers; I appreciate the specificity of the program and feel that Tom gets what is going on with me. I love that I’m feeling stronger and accomplishing things I never have and wouldn’t have tried were it not programmed especially for me!”
“I’ve had a great experience! There are already 3 movements I can think of that I’ve managed to perform as a result of the program, so I am really satisfied with the experience as a whole.”
I have gotten lots of feedback from everyone who did the program and I expect round two to be even better than round one.
p.s. Our second in house competition will be coming at the end of April, details to come Thursday.
Warm Up:
Coach’s Choice
A. Power Box Jumps,, 4 sets
B. Pause Squats 4 sec, 4 reps, 6 working sets
400m Run
50 Squats
4 Rounds
Cool Down:
Easy 750m Row to flush legs
By Clyde 07 Apr 2014
No, I still don’t have a muscle up. But at least I’ve never done this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyRuq91KriM
By Janel 07 Apr 2014
Hahahahaha! Wendy that was hilarious. What a dismount! I was a little hesitant to click on the link (really didn’t want to see a dislocated shoulder or something), but that was worth it. Lol
Anyway, yes I really enjoyed the skillz program, and am really excited to start working on new stuff this round!
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03 Apr / 2014
MLYW Update
The program continues to run strong and it’s unbelievable the support the group has for one another. Weekly I whiteness leadership, camaraderie and mentoring amongst the group of teens in the program but it’s the support they show that truly inspires me. This is the hardest working group I’ve worked with since I started working with teens back in 2008.
Every Friday night rolls around and at 5:30pm they start pouring in through the door. Good or bad day, it doesn’t matter. The Mad Lab Youth Warriors are committed to one cause, for the 1- 2 hours, and that’s simply put to work hard as they are well aware of the positive effects Crossfit has had on their lives.
This the most rewarding work that I do. I have witnessed the mental & physical development of the participants with my own eyes and as time keeps rolling on these teens show up with good news of how their lives have gotten better since they have been doing the training.
Last week, to my surprise, the group presented me with a gift, which was instigated by assistant coach to the program Sean Irwin. These teens pooled their money together and bought me a skateboard as a token of their appreciation. Working with this program every week is rewarding enough but being acknowledge by the group was pretty awesome! All I can say is that this group of Mad Lab Youth Warriors are going places. They are not wasting their lives away. They are improving their lives through fitness, and they know, as well as I, that this program rocks!
Thank you everyone that has supported this program by attending fundraising events or what have you. Your support keeps this program going!
Warm Up:
6 Russian KBS
1.1.1 Power Box Jumps
6 Cuban Press
6 Goblet Squat
12 min
Muscle Snatch 5,5,5,5
Power Snatch 3,3,3,3
Squat Snatch 1,1,1,1
Saturdays Workout:
Warm Up:
Coach’s Choice
A1. Lean and Loiter, 45 sec, 3 sets
A2. Rope Pull Up (L1,2,3,4, or 5) 6 reps, 3 sets
A3. No Money (w/4 sec pause) 6 reps, 3 sets
A4. Ring/Archer Push Up 6 reps, 3 sets
Work Out:
100 Kbs
100 Burpees
Mix and Match
By Bob B. 03 Apr 2014
To the community,
Charlie’s MLYW group is doing much more good than many could imagine. I work with youth that are in very difficult situations and groups of teens such as this, need community, need goals and need mentors (weather the mentor knows that they are having an affect on someone from a distance or not). Most importantly, these young people build role models for the kids following them which completely changes the milieu of school programs. Change just keeps on going. Keep up the amazing work Charlie. -
By Meagan 04 Apr 2014
That’s awesome Charlie!! You deserve it! I love seeing your crew in there working hard and having fun week after week. Keep it up
By Mexistain 17 Apr 2014
Cmmon! can I go and to pull ups on friday or something?!