Dancing Jaguars | CrossFit VancouverCrossFit Vancouver
1980 Clark Drive, Vancouver BC V5N 0A9
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 | (604) 253-1261

Dancing Jaguars

Dancing Jaguars

If you have been around the school on Friday afternoons you may have seen a graceful group of boys and girls pointing their toes as they run around the gym.

Let me introduce… The Dancing Jaguars!


A few weeks ago Sheppy and I introduced Crossfit to a group of dancers from the professional dance program at Arts Umbrella on Granville Island. They are a great group of dedicated young people who are hungry to learn and push them selves in new and exciting ways. They take 4 to 5 dance classes a day training an average of 60 hours per week and perform around Vancouver as well as internationally.

My initial desire to start a Crossfit program for them came from the fact that we have an abundance of talented male dancers that have to lift and throw girls on a regular basis but have never had basic strength training to do so. I can’t wait to see how these dancers take the principals they are learning each week at Crossfit Vancouver back into the dance studio!

Originally we were calling them “Dancing Kitties” but there is nothing aggressive and graceful about that. We thought a Jaguar better represented their spirit and heart!

So next time you spot a Dancing Jaguar at the gym please say hello. They will not bite. ;-)

One Love,

Caroline and The House of Shepherd

Friday’s Workout:

Warm Up:

15/15 Banded External Rotation Cueing
20 Dowel Pass Throughs
30 T-Spine Bridge

Snatch Skill Transfer


10 Minute EMOM Ladder…

Power Snatch
Hang Power Snatch

@ 70% of 1RM Full Snatch

1/1, 2/2, 3/3…etc


8 Rounds of…

30 Seconds Thrusters 95/65
30 Seconds Toes to Bar (V-Snaps)
2 Minutes Rest

Saturday Workout:

Warm Up:

With a Barbell complete 3 Rounds of…

7 Deadlift
7 Hang Squat Clean
7 Shoulder to Overhead


Groove the performance movements.

Coaches lead Dynamic Sprint Warm Up.


Team Defence

20 Rounds of…

1 Power Clean
3 Hang Squat Cleans
2 Push Jerks (Shoulder to Overhead)
200ft Sprint (10 Box Jumps if Rain)

Trade off round for round with your partner.


  • By dash 27 Sep 2013

    Dont you mean the Dancing Kittens

  • By Marta 28 Sep 2013

    Hey CrossFit Vancouver, CrossFit Pickering here… We have a few dancers who are with us and they have become soooo strong and absolutely amazing. Their dance has improved as well. We also train a competitive cheerleader. With both dancers and cheerleaders we have found that we really need to work on shoulder stabilization much more as they are uber flexible and their shoulders can get injured easily. Good for you!!!!

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