Friday the 31st and Saturday the 1st | CrossFit VancouverCrossFit Vancouver
1980 Clark Drive, Vancouver BC V5N 0A9
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Friday the 31st and Saturday the 1st

Friday the 31st and Saturday the 1st

I can’t find this guys name, but jebus, he is strong.  At 169lbs squatting 628; if you just look at his face, he might as well be buttering his morning toast.

Friday’s Skill Strength Element:

Take 15 minutes to find your Butter Back Squat 1RM. How heavy can you go and still make it look effortless?


Take 20 minutes to find your Close Grip (14″) Bench Press 1 RM. This will be on the Leader board today.  Athletes, we’ll have to move pretty efficiently through this due to our limited number of benches.


Take 10 minutes to do DB External Rotations @ 3010 tempo* x 8 reps/arm, 3 sets .  Elbow should be at or just below shoulder height, elbow stays at 90 deg, do your weaker arm first. Gold star if you can do this with 10% of Close Grip Bench Press Max at the prescribed tempo


This exercise is not super flashy but it will go a long way to help develop a heathy, balanced shoulder complex.

*when tempo is described as above in a four digit prescription:

The first number refers to the eccentric or lowering part of the exercise
The second number refers to the isometric pause in the stretched or bottom position
The third number refers to the concentric contraction or the way up
The fourth number refers to the isometric pause in the shortened or top position

So today’s 3010 tempo for the External Rotation means
3 seconds to lower the DB
0 second pause at the bottom
1 second contraction on the way up. As fast as good form allows.
0 second pause at the top


Saturday’s Skill/Strength Element:

1 Hang Power Snatch + 1 Hang Squat Snatch

Saturday’s Workout:

In teams of two, trading off rounds

5 Power Snatch (95lbs)

200m Row

ARMAP in 8 min

4 min Rest

10 Kb Swings (1/1.5 pood)

200m Sprint

AMRAP in 8 min

Add both blocks together for the leader board.  In the event of a busy class start half the group on the Swing/Run block.




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