I have the Power! | CrossFit VancouverCrossFit Vancouver
1980 Clark Drive, Vancouver BC V5N 0A9
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 | (604) 253-1261

I have the Power!

I have the Power!


Emile and Tom did a great job programming for us in September, you should give them a pat on the back when you get the chance.

As this month draws to a close, I want to give you all a heads up as to what is in store next month.

Our Primary programming focus this October will be on Peak Power development.

For our purposes, Power is the ability to produce a maximum amount of force in a minimum amount of time.

At the beginning of the month we’ll test our athlete’s Vertical Jump (one of the purest expressions of power that I can think of) and a 10 sec Row for max watts.

These are great tests because both have a tonn of normative data, that will allow us to compare our guys and gals to collegiate, national, and international athletes.

Clear your schedules; Tuesday’s will be set aside for some jump work and speed squats, Friday’s focus will be on a Snatch variation and some anaerobic rowing intervals.

At the end of the month we’ll retest… and find Madlab’s most powerful athlete.



Our secondary focus for October will be a continuation last month’s upper body pulling strength work. We’ll play with some sort of strict pull up work on Wednesday’s, which will dovetail nicely with what Sheppy as in store for November.


I’m looking forward to it.




Today’s Skill/Strength Element:

Turkish Get Up 2/2, 2/2, 2/2, 2/2

Today’s Workout:

Navy Seal/Jackie

1000m Row

50 Thrusters

30 Pullups


Coaches in the event of a large class, start athletes in heats.




  • By Pinky 29 Sep 2013

    Flashback!! I love he-man and she-ra!!!

  • By Richard Basford 01 Oct 2013

    Really enjoyed this wod! Did my heaviest TGU and knocked a minute off my Jackie that I did only 2 weeks ago!

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