Death of the Dislocate | CrossFit VancouverCrossFit Vancouver
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Death of the Dislocate

Death of the Dislocate

Before the start of every class, I watch people stroll in early (:40), on time (:45) and late (anything past :50). Pressed for time or not, the dowel dislocate seems to get at least 40 some cycles. Once you are introduced to this exercise, it’s hard not to do it. The freedom you achieve feels amazing; however, this exercise may sit lower in priority than you think. Chances are, you’re doing them wrong, doing too many, or shouldn’t even pick up the dowel.

The Loose/Limpy Goose

This list includes throwers, professional dancers, exotic dancers, yogi’s, and anyone with a high level of anterior laxity (Loose). Most of ya’ll may feel tight in some of those shoulder structures, but can bend your elbow backwards and grossly slide around that humeral head. My point being, you are already loose; prying around that joint may release what little stability remains. You have now left that shoulder more prone to injury through lack of stability.

This also includes those with past injuries of the rotator cuff and attachments to the humeral head (Limpy). You have some tenderness in the shoulder, as well as some weak links. Prying around those tender bits may just further injure or aggravate the area. 

When that humeral heads slides forward, the shoulder can be stretch in a weak position. Not only capsule structures can be put under unnecessary force, but nerves can be stretched and pinched (they no likey). You may have no business stretching. Whether you’re a rehabber or sexy slider, you’re better off with a couple of these:

  • Figure out the perpetrator. Muscular imbalance can lead to an offset shifting of tension.
  • Basic arm swings and circles. Low impact and probably enough to free you up.
  • Grab a band. Prime the area by stabilizing the shoulder. Pull Aparts, Perturbations, Scapular ROM and Isometrics.

The Desk Jockey

You haven’t been in baseball camp since you were 3; you sit at a computer all day; your rack position doesn’t exist; you do Annie every time you come in. The dislocate has its merits; however, I wouldn’t use it as a blanket recommendation for all of you. There are more effective ways of freeing you up, without watching you struggle in the corner with the longest dowel in the bin.

  • Figure out the perpetrators. You’re stiff, everywhere. Target that stiffiness with massage, rolling, or any manual release techniques.
  • Restorative corrections. (back to Wall shoulder flexion, wall angels, scapular wall slides, t-spine bridges, and side lying windmills)
  • Make change daily (Mobilize). After your workout get deep and gnarly into those tissues; because, when you’re not, they’re just seizing back up.

Use your brain. Be creative. But if you have to cycle through 10-12 of them…

  • Squeeze your glutes and abdominals tight. Like first night in prison tight.
  • Don’t bend your elbows. Seriously, stop it, you’re not there yet.
  • Slow down. Keep the ball in the socket and work through range.

So maybe not death, but I doubt you need that many passthroughs.



Tuesday Lesson Plan


Hip Mobility then…

The Tom Special
15 Shrugs
15 Tall muscle cleans
15 Over and backs
15 Behind the neck push press

Tech: 3RM Hang Squat Clean

WOD: Wabbits
10 Burpees
200m Run
9 Burpees
200m Run
8 Burpees
200m Run…..

etc …1 Burpees
200m Run

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