22 Oct 2012
Power Clean Tuesday!
TBear’s O Face Power Clean.
Tuesday’s Workout:
Warm Up: KB Swing/Box Jump Ladder – Start at 5 reps of each in the first minute. Cap it at 10 minutes.
Tech: Power Clean – 2,2,2
Workout: Power Clean Sasquatch
21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3
Power Clean
Push Press
75/55 lbs for both movements
Andele Andele!!
21 Oct 2012
I am really enjoying this sprinting focus we are doing. People are getting faster already and it seems like the sprinting sessions are always full of laughs and good times.
It looks as though it is going to stop raining early enough in the wee hours of Monday morning so we can sprint outside on dry asphalt. The rain is supposed to stay away until 11 pm so cross your fingers everybody!
Below is a video that is a good encapsulation of the technique we want to execute today .
Please pardon his F bombs. Earmuffs!
Elbow angle at 90 degrees
Humorous angle vs femur angle
Dorsi flex up then plantar flex down
Stay low and in your lean for the dig phase
Pull the Earth behind you during the drive phase
Monday’ Workout:
Warm up: Warm up for sprinting – High knees, butt kickers, side lunges…
Tech: Practice the dorsi flex up then plantar flex down technique. Do 3 sets of 20 steps (10 each leg) at a medium pace.
Then do some 50 m sprints at 60%/70%/80%
And Then … !!
Workout 1#) 4 x 50 m Sprints
3-4 minutes between
If its wet then we’ll do 20 m sprints inside. Make it 6 x.
Coaches time if you want but what I’m looking for is qualitative improvement in sprinting form which will turn into better times when we officially retest.
Workout 2#) 10 Minute Cindy – Smash it
Leaderboard is numba 2.
Stretch you hosers!
Sheppy San
21 Oct 2012
Is your Halloween costume MAN enough?
Audrey Tannant Business Development Manager Crossfit Vancouver / Madlab School of Fitness
Sent with grammatical, autocorrect, and spelling mistakes from my iPhone

20 Oct 2012
How to Get Started in The School of Fitness
STEP ONE: Student Consultation/Intro to CrossFit
Once you’ve decided you want to get into the best shape of your life and be a part of a community of like-minded people, it’s time to book a Student Consultation/Intro to CrossFit.
Do it alone or bring a friend along to your 60-minute free intro session that explains the CrossFit methodology and evaluates your current level of fitness. More specifically, you will become acquainted with our application of the CrossFit method, which is based off the world-renowned Madlab Group methodology.
STEP 2: Personal Training
We are a school of fitness, it is going to look a lot different than group aerobics or group bodypump, or a bootcamp or any other group exercise class.
Yes, you will eventually have the option to graduate to CrossFit group classes; however, before that we need to ensure that you are both competent in the CrossFit movements and fit enough to safely join group classes.
With that in mind, you will start off by completing 12-20 one-on-one or two-on-one private training sessions, where you will be coached by both an instructor, as well as their apprentice coaches. Our instructors are some of the first CrossFit coaches who brought CrossFit to Canada nine years ago; their experience is second to none.
During your 12-20 personal training sessions (the number depends on your personal fitness level and physical abilities), you will become familiar with the CrossFit movements (30-40 movements), things like Olympic weightlifting, power lifting, gymnastics and rowing. You will also learn about mobility, injury prevention and nutrition.
The purpose of doing personal training prior to group classes is three-fold:
First, CrossFit is incredibly technical – it’s like learning an entirely new sport – so the same way you wouldn’t throw someone off the street onto the Varsity swimming team, we don’t throw people who have never done clean and jerks and snatches and pull ups and rope climbs right into the intimidating fire of group classes. Instead, we take the time to properly teach you the movements so you’re confident and safe in your abilities by the time you begin group classes.
Second, one-on-one personal training allows us to address your individual needs, deficiencies, weaknesses and injuries. Everybody needs to work at a different pace, and we want to keep you injury-free to increase your longevity.
Third, we believe relationships with the people around you are going to enrich your life, and your relationship with your coach is no exception. We want to get to know you, your fitness goals, what’s going on in your life, and what you need from us to help you succeed.
$835 for 10 sessions (one-on-one personal training)
$575 for 10 sessions (two-on-one personal training)
After both your Intro Session and your first 10 private sessions are complete, we’ll re-evaluate (evaluation is based on proven benchmarks) and decide together how many more sessions you will need (most often 2-10) in order to reach our graduation requirements.
STEP 3: Group Classes
Once you’re competent in the CrossFit movements and reach our graduation requirements, you are free to begin group classes.
During group classes, you’ll push yourself and sweat it out with like-minded individuals, as you compete with yourself (and others, if you choose) for rounds, time, points, glory, emotional satisfaction and spiritual growth. You will reach new physical and emotional levels you didn’t think were possible, and you will undoubtedly find yourself with a new social and support network, who will help you on your continued path to greater health and happiness.
At least two coaches (and numerous apprentices) will be present at each class; some of our evening classes boast as many as three coaches. One of the Madlab Group principles is to promote a minimum of 10:1 student to coach ratio. This ensures you will continue to receive technical coaching even as your CrossFit and fitness abilities improve.
Cost for unlimited weekly classes:
$1,950 per year unlimited classes
$1,050 six month unlimited classes
Monthly Unlimited Classes: $199 per month
Monthly 2 x week Classes: $165 per month
Single month to month rate: $280 / Month
STEP 4: Refresher One-on-One Sessions ($85 per session)
Every six months, you will meet with your personal coach (and apprentice) for a one-on-one session, where you will work on your weaknesses, or on technical movements you want more help with.
Our minimum requirement for refresher sessions is twice per year; however, you can meet with your coach more often for one-on-one coaching if you want additional help with strength training, gymnastics, mobility or nutrition consultations.
STEP 5: Specialty Programs
Our mandate as a school of fitness is to strive for constant improvement; this is the purpose of our specialty programs. These programs are for those looking for additional services that are beyond the scope of the regular group classes.
We offer the following specialty programs:
1). Stretching Classes (www.cocoonwellness.com).
2. Paleo Challenges (nutrition consultation and body composition contests run as demand dictates)
3. Project Endurance (focus on running and endurance)
4. East Van Barbell Club (strength-based, powerlifting club that meet Tuesdays at 7 pm and Saturdays at 12 pm)
5. High Performance Center (for our elite athletes who represent CrossFit Vancouver and compete at CrossFit competitions)
6. Learn to Row (focus on rowing technique and power endurance)
7. CrossFit for Kids (For kids ages 5-13)
Come have some fun!
19 Oct 2012
The Weekend is Here!
I had one person tell me their goal this week!!! And thanks to them I have a wicked video for you all!
Please share with us your goals! Enjoy yourselves this weekend go and be vulnerable!
Check out this TED Talk
Tech: Snatch
Work on getting under the bar!
WOD: KB Snatching Fun (Red/Black)
7 KB Snatch
7 KB Russian Swings
7 KB Snatch
7 KB Swings
(Each time you put the KB down complete 7 Burpees)
Toms Debut on crossfit.ca showing you how the WOD looks, make sure your KB swing stance is a little wider than his!!!
Tom’s KB Snatching WOD (sorry its kind of small)
Peace Out
18 Oct 2012
The Running of Bulls
So last week we had a bunch of videos up of people running to exemplify good form and competing against one another.
What if you had to run for your life? What would your form be like?
Every year on July 7th in Pamplona at 7 am, People line a stretch of 825 m street to run the distance with six Spanish fighting bulls and eleven steers. Originally just the beasts ran the distance to get them from their corrals to the bull fighting arena. This has been going on since 1592. People just decided it was a good idea to join the bulls sometime in the 1800s. Its actually the opening event of the San Fermin festival and runs every morning for a week while the festival is on.
I know, people put themselves in harm’s way but 14 people have died since record keeping began in 1924.
Have a look at the video of the 2010 running of the Bulls. There are some great examples of good running.
Check out the guy in the green shirt at about 1:29 of the video (think the green shirts are referees). They show him running away but you can clearly tell he is pulling his heel up.
Notice the bulls running. Their feet stay underneath them and their legs are never straight (ok ok, their back legs can’t straighten but you get what I mean right?).
How about the fella at 3:06 in the red shirt with his right arm on the the bull. Great lean and excellent pull.
It takes the bulls 2:08 to get to the arena. Impressive. The men’s world record for the 800m run was set in London this past summer. David Rudisha 1:40.91. The world record for women was set way back in 1983 by Jarmila Kratochvílová at a blistering 1:53.28.
Have a look at the video and please post any other examples you see of good and bad running.
I find it both stupid and cruel to taunt the animals like they do in the video so I kinda like it when they get gored or run over. i went to a bull fight in Mexico years ago and everybody cheers for the beast.
I also want you to keep an eye out for runners when you are out and about around town. Notice their stride. Too long or short? Pulling with the hip flexor or hamstring? Broken at the hip? How are the shoulders moving?
Happy Running!
The Shepherd