09 Oct 2012
Wednesday October 10th
Hey Everyone,
Meet Ben
Ben is one of our new CFV morning Allstars, a PhD student at UBC (studying Exercise Psychology), and from all reports – an interesting dancer.
His research is focused on:
A) Why are so few people are active enough to get any sort of health benefit from said activity?
B) What can be done to influence couch potatoes to get active and make better choices?
Ben is conducting a new study to help develop a greater understanding of how people experience exercise.
And he’s hoping a bunch of you fitness weirdo’s can take a little time to fill out his online questionnaire (re. activity level, motivation, well being etc).
If you do take the time, you’ll be entered to win a $50 Visa gift certificate.
So, if you’d like to help the larger community (by providing info that could help improve the lives of others), or you’d to help our boy Ben graduate, or you just like to fill out questionnaires, shoot him an email at [email protected].
He promises its fairly painless.
Today’s Warm Up:
20 Hollow rocks
15 Tuck Crunches
10 Toes to Bar/ Toes through Rings
5 Dragon Flags
Three Rounds. Take your time with this ‘warmup’, try to be as strict as possible with the movements.
Today’s Skill/Strength Element:
Grove the work out movements
Today’s Workout:
8 Pause Pull Ups (pause 3 seconds with chin over the bar)
8 Split Jerks (155/95)
16 Alt Pistols (8/8)
Rounds in 12 minutes
08 Oct 2012
High Performance Center

HCP 2010/2011
CrossFit Vancouver’s High Performance Center is an enrichment club, designed to improve and complete your CrossFit Game.
This is something to consider if you really want to take your game to the next level.
Obviously in competition there is a premium put on strength, technical barbell movements, and the high end gymnastic separators (mu and hspu). The HPC will focus on all of these, but Sheppy warns – ‘make no mistake, there will be great emphasis on metabolic conditioning as well.’
Wondering if HPC is for you?
You must already be doing CFV workouts as rx’ed.
You must have a deep desire to improve your game.
You must be coachable.
Still unsure if you have the right stuff?
Pull Sheppy aside and ask. He’ll give you some honest feedback.
HPC will be meeting Sundays at 330 pm.
Show up ready to chew concrete.
Deceleration training is the foundation of agility development.
Today’s Skill/ Strength Element:
Acceleration to Deceleration Drill :
Coaches, mark four 5 meter intervals on the ground.
Athletes, start in an athletic squat, sprint to the 5m mark and come to a controlled stop. Repeat down the coarse. Play with your centre of gravity as you accelerate (raising hips/leaning forward) and decelerate (lowering hips/leaning backwards).
3-4 Rounds.
Acceleration to Deceleration to Back Peddle – Long :
Athletes start in an athletic squat, sprint to the 10 meter mark, touch the ground with both hands, back peddle to the 0 meter mark and touch the ground with both hands, repeat this sequence a total of 2 times. 3-4 rounds
Acceleration to Deceleration to Back Peddle – Short :
Athletes start in an athletic squat, sprint to the 5 meter mark, touch the ground with both hands, back peddle to the 0 meter mark and touch the ground with both hands, repeat this sequence a total of 4 times. 3-4 rounds
Today’s Workout:
5 Air Squats
3 Power Clean
2 Push Press
Every min on the min for 12 min.
Finish each round as quickly and smoothly as possible. Think about those later rounds when choosing your weight.
07 Oct 2012
MOnday October 8th
Please Note – Holiday Hours for Monday October 8th:
There is only 1 CFV Group Class scheduled for 2pm
Check back later this week for more info on this falls’s Specially Course offerings. There’s a lot of exciting things coming down the pipe at CFV. Stay tuned.
Today’s Skill/Strength Element:
Take 15 minutes and play with the following sequence
1 Snatch Balance + 1 Overhead squat. Use a rack.
Today’s Workout:
7 Overhead Squat (105/75lbs)
7 Burpees
7 Rounds
05 Oct 2012
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Just a reminder that the gym will NOT be open this weekend. There is a CrossFit Level 1 certification going on both Saturday and Sunday. There will be a 10 and 11am class, just not at the school. Please don’t go down to the school for any reason.. the CF HQ people don’t like it when people come by and interrupt their certs so if you have to pee do it before you leave the house!
There will be a class back at the school on Monday at 2pm.
Todays’s Lesson Plan.
Meet Dan the Afghan down at China Creek Park, that’s the park down from the school that we did the 5km run last week. (for the 20 or so people that showed up that day…)
Dan will go through a warm-up and some mobility drills and then it’s time to hit some hills sprints!
Hill Sprints
8-10 full out sprints with at least 2 minutes rest between each one.
Have a great long weekend and Happy Thanksgiving!
Hope you all get to spend some time with good friends and family!
04 Oct 2012
Save the Date…
Save the date for the best Halloween party in town! Saturday, October 27th is this year’s extravaganza of costumes, good times and shenanigans of all sorts. Audrey informed me she’s going to be at the door taking photos of all the costumes so start looking for a good one if you haven’t already
By the way, who is that scary guy in the photo???
Friday’s Lesson Plan:
Warm up with a mile run and then practice some short farmers carries a little heavier than you’re going to go for in the work-out. Pay particular attention to keeping good postured on the carry. Tall spine, chin tucked and shoulders set back and down!
WOD: Partner Farmer Carry Plus
AMRAP in 30 minutes:
200m partner farmers carry
20 partner med ball sit-ups (2 mat lengths apart)
10 partner push-ups (hand slaps at the up position)
Boys use 45-55lbs for the partner carry and a 20lb ball for the sit-ups. Girls use 25-35 lbs and a 12lb ball. Guy-girl pairs can go with the lighter weight.
If you feel your shoulders pulling forward set the weights down and let your partner take over. Score is total rounds plus any reps of sit-ups and push-ups done in the the last round.
Billy, Benny and The Pig
04 Oct 2012
PE 2.0 Week 1
Here is a good article detailing the ‘most deviating error most runners make’ by Ken Mierke. Check it out.