January 2014 | Page 3 of 6 | CrossFit VancouverCrossFit Vancouver
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 | (604) 253-1261

Blog Archive

17 Jan 2014

Live Forever

Warm Up:

with an empty dowel
30 dislocates
30 reverse dislocates
30 behind the neck press
30 straight leg sit ups
10 walk out to planks


3 rep max weighted barbell sit up

we did this a few weeks ago, lets try to improve on your previous weights


complete as many reps as possible in 20 minutes

2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 and back up the ladder should you get there.

ground to overhead with a bumper plate 45/25
overhead lunges 45/25 (total reps)

Mobility for Life. Starts in March. Life Forever.


Why does it hurt when I do this?
I can’t go overhead without pain.
I through out my back the other day from that…workout.
I have torn, pulled, overworked, aggravated, snapped or broken something.
I’m super mobile.
I’m the definition of stiff, in all the wrong places.
I just bought a lacrosse ball, where do I put this thing?

It’s been a long time coming. It’s time for More than Mobility. A 5 week program intended to educate and provide the tools to increase your quality of life. Life is movement.

Presented by

Emile “Chestevez” Maxwell Connaughton


Cj “Healing Hands” Castro

photo 1 (1)

Week 1: Assessment 45 minutes
Small group assessment to be booked. We’ll take a look from from head to toe to classify your restrictions. This will determine your level of mobility to individualize your focus throughout. We will also introduce the principles to effective training and maintenance.

Following Weeks will last 90 minutes-120 minutes

Each week will be addressed as such:

  1. Self Manual Therapy: Soft tissue release through rolling and smashing. Common restrictions with more effective ways of releasing them.
  2. Activation/ Corrective Exercises: Awaken dormant or weak musculature for full recruitment. Improve position and posture.
  3. Progressions/ Regressions: Know where you are and where you are going. Qualify yourself to move forward.
  4. Shotgun Fix: Quick fixes for specific issues when you’re under the gun.
  5. Facilitative Stretching

Week 2 Trunk Stability
Motor control basics starting from the midline. The trunk holds you together and translates movement more than any other part of your body. Unify your core with strength exercises and release techniques. We’ll show you the tools you need to stiffen the trunk to remove back pain and eliminate weakness. This will be the core of the program and translate throughout.

Week 3 Squat
Drills and skills to correct the movement that rules them all. Feet, ankles, calves, knees, thighs, and hips; what is holding you back? From the ground up we’ll address how we all squat differently. There are fundamentals that rule us all but our individual body composition defines your squat.

Week 4 Hinge
Similar issues when squatting can restrict us from bending over. The hinge classifies all hinging variations focusing on deadlift and swinging (translates over to cleaning and snatching). It’s all about finding the most advantageous position for the individual. This will unify the 2 weeks of hip dominance.

Week 5 Push/Press/Pull
Holy shoulders. Here we have saved the most troublesome issue of all. Our focus will be on re-stabilizing and building a strong foundation for better pushing, pressing, and pulling. If something is tight, it’s probably tight for a reason. This is more than just hanging out on a band and wrenching at the joint.

Program will begin in March. you will have the first week to attend an assessment. The following weeks will be held at 12 noon on Sundays (March 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th). This is great for veterans, intermediates and new comers; learn how to manage your priorities and fix problems before and after they happen.

What you’ll walk away with:

  1. Fundamentals for improving movement quality
  2. Effective tools for soft tissue release, dynamic stability, and corrective exercises.
  3. Correct progressions and regressions for your level of movement.
  4. Systematic approach to mobility and training.
  5. Great times with Chesty & CJ making you less decrepit.

Cost is $280. Email chest@crossfit.ca.

Assess don’t assume,


16 Jan 2014

Vitamin Sun

Warm Up:

coaches choice


for 12 min cycle through

12 barbell roll outs
12 hollow rocks
12/12 Bulgarian split squats (jeep these light)



pull ups
power cleans RX’d 115/75 – COMP Team 155/105

Sun makes you super, man.

If you’re like me (after reading the past few days of the blog, you know you’re not), you feel like home is where the sun is. Aside from my imaginative writing topics, I’m a pretty mellow dude. The rain doesn’t completely defeat my happiness, but murky skies can take their toll. The winter months can be dreary in Vancouver, but it really does drive our appreciation for sunny skies.

Vitamin Sun (also known as D) has definitely gotten its fair share of attention in the supplement world. It helps your body absorb calcium, and the two of them work together in creating strong healthy bones and teeth (even tiny little ones like mine). It also helps in maintaining healthy function in your muscles, nerves, and immune system. When D is low, your reaction time can be reduced as well as your stamina to carry your through the day. A drop in your immune system can explain your susceptibility to disease or sickness. The singular or combo affect of these can directly dictate your mood.

Even in the cold you can appreciate a brisk sunny walk through the city. Your body can make D from sunlight. You can see and feel the improvement in mood and function after your exposure to sunlight. When you goop on layers of sunscreen, it may protect you from harmful rays of sun, but it will inhibit the manufacture of D in the body. So make sure you get a good dose here and there with bare exposure. Use your brain.

The balance of vitamins and minerals in the body is important. You are lying to yourself if you think you get enough D in this city. To say all your lunches, and dinners pack enough D at the end of the day is unlikely. We are all on the go, and just with a sunny sky, need to know when to go all out or just chill out. Here’s a rough idea of how much D you should be taking in, and some sources:

Age group Aim for an intake of international units (IU)/day Stay below IU/day*
Infants 0-6 months old 400 1000
Infants 7-12 months old 400 1500
Children 1-3 years old 600 2500
Children 4-8 years old 600 3000
Children and Adults 9-70 years old 600 4000
Adults over 71 years old 800 4000
Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women 600 4000
*This includes D from both food and supplements
  • Cow’s milk
  • Fortified orange juice
  • Fatty fish like salmon and sardines
  • Egg yolks
  • Fortified yogurts

I take a Multi Vitamin along with a extra D supplement in the Murky Months. Like any other supplement there is a risk with sweeteners and processing methods. I stick with Cyto Matrix; they are a pharmaceutical company that makes supplements. All manufacturing is done in Canada. The raw materials are sourced from the highest grade, and vegetarian capsules are used (press tabs rarely contain the right source of the nutrient or vitamin for your body to absorb).They make a wide variety but my favourites are the Multi Matrix (men)/ Multi Matrix Women and the Vitamin D3 MCT Drops. Whatever your diet constraints, it’s nice to have a quality, effective, safe source of everything you need.



Be more super,


Warm up:

coaches call


3 working sets of 2 press + 2 split jerks


Open workout 12.3

18 min amrap

15 box jumps 24/20
12 push press 115/75
9 t2b

Congratulations to the Asian Sensation, Arthur King. He swung himself a lovely Lesley. The small glow in his already swelling heart has seemed to settle into an ever present shine. As lucky as he is, Lesley may just be the real winner here. If it’s not a swollen life belly its diamond promise. You may be at a crossroads yourself. Monogamous or not, you make your steps count.

(1) It all starts with the bounce and some solo time. When you pick up that rope for the first time, the expectations are minimal. Your capabilities are unknown. You have to spend time fiddling around in the corner until you get a tingle. This is crucial to your development. Get to know you rope, your body, dimensions, and endurance. Start off with a simple bounce; the motion dictates the ocean. Be able to ride with the change and find rhythm in your step. In our early development we need to understand our body as a singular unit; we need to master the single in jumping rope in the same fashion. Be able to control the speed and rhythm of a single skip. Once you can repeat that x50, x100, x150, x200+, you have enough motor pattern and understanding to move towards your next target. Master the realm of a solo encounter, before dancing with a partner.

  • Neutral or Hollow Position ( Brace the abdominals, squeeze the glutes, and drive the elbows into the ribcage.)
  • Bounce to the beat (Let the heels lightly kiss the ground with each landing, soft ninja knees.)
  • Whip with affliction (Turn the wrists over and spank the motion)
  • Consecutive singles
  • Finesse singles (Straddles, single leg, high knees, and dances.)

(2) Before you climb into bed with the double, you must recognize there are 2 parties in play. There’s a tango to be danced. The biggest mistake is changing up that bounce. You found your rhythm, you got a couple good strokes in, and you just blew it by jumping the gun. Think of a heartbeat (the metronome of your life) or a baseline (the beat that keeps you on time). The bounce is your first party in play, it’s all you, don’t try to time it. This is the unconscious action of your feet, the beat. Now we have the second party (the whip). This you have to take the lead on, double time without losing the beat. Listen to the rope, feel the weight, and break up the attempts. Move back and forth between the control you have with the single and the new motion with the double. When you feel you’re pushing beyond your control, draw back build confidence. You’ll get frustrated, cry, laugh, own it and blow it. Before you know it your numbers are up, you played with some ropes, and you have some stories to tell.

  • Neutral or Hollow (Maybe even a little tighter here)
  • Bounce doesn’t change (exception is a little harder drive through the ball of the foot)
  • Whip with double time (spankspank)
  • Breathe
  • Progress (Single single single double, single single double, single double, double double double double+)

(3) Damn, you nailed a triple. This has happened to a handful of us. Some more than once. You have a few notches in the belt and have handled a number of lines and handles. This is that special skill that really isn’t as complicated as people make it. You do more multitasking here then a drummer with 4 baby mamas. The key is asking yourself if you really need one. The basics you learned in the beginning, transfer directly over. But some of us are just genetically positioned for it. This is a fast lifestyle, that leaves story after story of good times and mishaps. It can get old real fast. The fact is, you’re not ready, you may never be ready, but the training has prepared you for it.

  • Show ‘em what you got

Find a rope you can run with. Find one you can grow with, make changes, hit high, dip low, and find a rhythm. There will always be the appeal of something newer, faster, stronger, curvier, and enticing; but you just may get a little more out of something you’ve ran with for a while. Be willing to make the change, but know when you have something good.

I’ve been using this rope for past year. I found my handle, my line, and my rhythm. I love it. Nothing spins like it.

Revolution 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0. (available at the Pro Shop)

  • 3 different lines for custom weight (heavy grade, medium with nylon coating, low with nylon coating)
  • 3 different handles for custom grip (long metal, short metal, short plastic)
  • Quick adjust screw and crimps (size and lock for growing skill)
  • Guards (for that outdoor exhibition)
  • Custom sizing

Photo 2014-01-15 11 36 07 AM

Find rhythm and don’t jump the gun,



14 Jan 2014

Whey in.

Warm up:

50 banded pull aparts
25 good mornings
20 push press
20 glute bridges
25 sit ups


every minute on the minute for 12 minutes

odd minutes: 2 deadlifts @ 80% of max deadlift
even minutes: 5 hspu or 5 plyo push ups (start in a regular push up position lower yourself and explode out of the bottom with your arms landing locked out on top of a bumper plate)


no racks!


30 deadlifts 135/95
30 hspu
30 back squats 135/95

Comp Team:

30 deadlifts 185/155
30 hspu
30 back squats 185/155


work on opening the ankles and calves 2 min on each side

Protein Click here

I realized the other day I’m sharing a goal with one of my clients; “healthy by spring, sexy by summer”. In achievement of this goal, this month, I began a 16 week program. The first 4 weeks of this program are purely reset and regeneration; it’s safe to say that this (boring for most) is on the path to a healthy spring. Let’s face it, sexy by summer means getting jacked and lean. To get lean and jacked, you must tear down the walls and fortify them over and over.

The key to building more muscle  is amino acids (components of protein). Our bodies thrive off the 20 amino acids which aid in repairing bones, muscles, organs, and every other sexy tissue in the body. There are 9 essential amino acids that your body can only get from food, and that food is a complete protein; these can be attained from meat, dairy, eggs, and even some rare vegetable proteins. Most vegetable, starches, and rice are missing one or more of these essentials. “You hit like a vegetarian.” Arnold Schwarzenegger. Sexy by Summer.

Supplementation is is just that, a supplement. Nothing will replace whole foods. But with busy lifestyles and only having so much Tupperware, I’ll supplement when necessary. The key bio availability. The rate of which your body can absorb said amino acids can vary. On the Biological Value measure, Whey protein ranks a 100; this means it contains all essential amino acids and is easily digestible. Here is just a couple reasons you might consider its use, aside from getting jacked:

  • Weight Loss
  • Assists in increasing in muscle mass (sexy by summer)
  • Assist in cancer treatment
  • Increase in glutathione levels (your body’s main water-based anti-oxidant)
  • Decrease in HIV symptoms
  • Decrease in triglycerides
  • Decrease in total cholesterol while increasing HDL (good cholesterol)
  • Increase in immune system function
  • Increase in power in sports
  • Decreased recovery time and symptoms of over-training
  • Healthy by Spring

Whey is high in BCAA’s (Branched-chain amino acids); these are 3 of the 9 essentials that are specially important to muscle repair and preservation. In exercise and recovery, your body will break down a small portion of these for fuel, and they’ll break muscle to do it. Leucine stimulates protein synthesis; it sends a signal to store more amino acids, primarily adding muscle to do this. Preserving lean muscle and losing fat, sexy by summer.

Increased production of glutathione. This is the real hero of antioxidants made up of  cysteine, glutamic acid and glycine. It scavenges free radicals in the body. These radicals although important for some cell function, in excess, can cause cellular damage. Like one Wendy, Reto, Jenny, and myself is great for our community, but having more than 1 might be detrimental. Healthy all season.

Whey protein is evil? Do you experience digestive issues, such as gas, bloating, headaches, cramps and fatigue?
You are probably reacting to lactose or sweeteners present in your whey. There are a few different types of whey protein: (1) Whey Protein Concentrate, (2) Whey Protein Isolate and (3) Whey Protein Hydrolysate. The differences between these three come down to how processed the protein is and hence the amount of protein present without any of the other qualities of dairy products such as fat, lactose (milk sugar), and various immunoglobulins.

I use Provitalex from Cyto Matrix (available at the Pro Shop). It uses a unique cross flow microfiltration process which carefully isolates undenatured whey while leaving out fat, damaged proteins and lactose, allowing for safe use with lactose intolerant patients. The low heat pasteurization process is also of importance because any heat or change in pH can alter the proteins and make them less effective in producing glutathione. Neutral tast, no sweeteners, and lactose safe. Healthy by Spring, sexy by Summer.

CytoMatric ProVitalex



13 Jan 2014

Zen Spiderman

Electrolyte is a term referring to salts or ions present in the body. The fluid in our bodies is in constant motion. These minerals help regulate cell functions to keep to body at operating optimally. With an imbalance of these minerals we find that fluid exchange disrupted. The functions of your body cease or change.

I park my Camaro over the winter months because of the maintenance required. It’s not that I don’t have the patience for it; it is my responsibilities elsewhere that doesn’t match up too well. When you have to wait 17 minutes for the engine to reach optimal operating temperature, it defeats the convenience of a vehicle. In the summer there are some other battles to deal with. It boils down to the regulation of love and fluid management.

Electrolytes help your cells maintain voltages across your cell membranes and carry electrical impulses across themselves and other cells. In order for your muscles to contract and your brain to trigger properly, the body needs a balanced supply of these minerals. They are present in your blood, sweat, tears and pee. When we lie dormant, exercise heavily, or get stricken with disease, these minerals get in low or high supply. In excess we deal with issues.

  • sodium (Na+)
  • potassium (K+)
  • chloride (Cl-)
  • calcium (Ca2+)
  • magnesium (Mg2+)
  • bicarbonate (HCO3-)
  • phosphate (PO42-)
  • sulfate (SO42-)

Keeping my vehicle alive and sexy requires me to run the damn thing. Keeping it locked up in my parkade doesn’t let the beast exchange any fluids. Driving hour after hour, although fires combustion and fluid exchange, means it needs more of what it burns. I love gas, gassy gas gas, there it goes down, down into my endless pockets of disposable income…not. Exhaust, leakage, fire, are all sorts of reminders to regulate a little better.

  • gas
  • oil
  • transmission fluid
  • brake fluid
  • battery juice
  • coolant

Camaro or bodily function: When running low or too high you may experience twitching of nerves and muscle (spasms), fatigue, weakness, headaches, constipation, vomiting, increased urination, muscle fiber deterioration, and reduce performance. These may result from hypocalcemia, hypokalemia, hyponatremia, overheating, being parked for too long, drag racing, and unbolting the wrong pressure line. One way or another you are left to the sidelines. Not only are you out of commission, out of money, and stranded; you are unsexy.

The Camaro just requires me to put some work into it and replenish the project.


I have just started using Sole . It’s not end all be all to your daily routine, but it can supplement the mineral imbalance in your body. It’s also a longer, cheaper, supply than your typical Gatorade or high sugar electrolyte replacement. Fill up the jar with water, wait 24 hours. You can start adding it to your daily water intake and meals. When you use it up just keep filling it up until the salt is completely dissolved.

  • Energize the body up to nearly 24 hours
  • Stimulate metabolism
  • Flush out heavy metals such as lead, mercury, arsenic, amalgam and calcium
  • Prevent muscle cramping
  • Enhance hair and nail growth
  • Improve complexion
  • Boost concentration
  • Regulate sleep

Bio-chemically, Sole increases the overall availability of electrolytes and conductivity of cellular fluids. This in turn enhances circulation, allowing the body’s bioelectric currents to flow freely. Within minutes of drinking Sole, your body’s metabolism is stimulated. Available at the Pro Shop.



Whether you are 175lb organism or a 37oolb all american motor vehicle, you just need a little balanced lovin’



Warm Up:

with an empty barbell

15 overhead squats
15 snatch balance
15 high hang snatch
15 hang snatch
15 weighted barbell sit ups


work up to a heavy complex of the following

2 snatch
1 hang snatch

power or full squat is fine here.



4 rounds of

7 hang power snatch 95/65
1 rope climb


30 kb swings 55/35
20 c2b pull ups

Comp Team

4 rounds

7 hang power snatch 115/100
1 rope climb


30 kb swings 72/55
20 bar muscle ups