July 2014 | Page 4 of 6 | CrossFit VancouverCrossFit Vancouver
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Congratulations Kermit on winning the Madlab World Cup pool. The GRAND prize of $600 is awarded to Kermit!

And in Kermit fashion, she is donating half of her winnings to LANYAR (Lt. Andrew Nuttal Youth at Risk). Collect the rest of you $300 from Dashie later this week! Thank you Kermit!


Wouldn’t Kermit look good with Gotze? 



Warm Up:

5 rounds of
10 cuban press – barbell
10 behind the neck push press-snatch grip


every min for 10 min
1 snatch – pick your own weight – 10 crispy snatches please

Workout: date night

score is snatch weight + total muscle ups or chest to bar pull ups completed


10 rounds of
1 snatch
2-5 chest to bar pull ups
rest 1 min


10 rounds of
1 snatch
2-5 muscle ups
rest 1 min

Coaching Points: 

Hit a heavy and hard snatch then transition right into the chest to bar pull ups or muscle ups. Pick a number where you can maintain proper mechanics and complete the c2b in less than 7 seconds. If doing Muscle ups goal is stay unbroken for whatever number you pick. 

13 Jul 2014


A few weeks ago I posted about the National Pro Fitness League. Since the name has been changed to Grid, National Pro Grid League. 


I have been watching a bit of the preseason matches this weekend mainly following the San Francisco Fire. There are few folks I have met in the last few months who are apart of the team. It’s cool to see them compete on t.v.

One thing that crossed my mind while watching is how often the men and the women are competing at the same time. In few sports are the women considered as entertaining as the men. It’s the unfortunate truth that men are typically faster and stronger and there for more athletic. The NPGL has not only provided an opportunity for people to compete in functional fitness as a sport but it demands equality on the floor. The women are equally if not more valuable than the men are. Most men in CrossFit and in the NPGL are fairly replaceable. Yes, some are stronger some are better at gymnastics some are just plain better than others but for the most part the men are less important. 

Quality women in CrossFit and in the NPGL have created new rules in the field of play in pro sports. Putting men and women on the same team and asking them to work together was an unheard of idea outside of intramural sports. Until now it was men play here and women play here. 

Women will still struggle to compete against men in the big 4 sports but knowing there are opportunities out there to compete and beat men in a professional setting must feel good. No?



Warm Up:

6 rounds of
10/10 banded x walks
20 sec squat hold


warm up workout movements
2-3 heats for wod

Workout: balls deep – compare with jan 15th


12 min cap
30 deadlifts 135/95
30 hspu
30 back squats 135/95


12 min cap
30 deadlifts 185/155
30 hspu
30 back squats 185/155

Coaching Points: 

Try to stay strong though the deadlifts, more sets wont hurt your score in the long run. The HSPU will make or break this workout, use manageable sets to chip away, failed reps are never good but they are especially detrimental today. Patience on the back squat, slow and steady and aim for one set so you don’t have to pick the bar back up. No racks. 

13 Jul 2014



As stated yesterday Emily will be on Breakfast Television next week. 

Tuesday will be the day folks. A short blurb about her story and how she got to the Games.

Also there is small article about her on the Games site. 



Warm Up:

scap stability
shoulder stability
hip openers


EMOM 20 min pick one of each and pick a number from 3-10. try and add one rep to last weeks numbers. 

1. ring row/bent over row/strict pull ups
2. ring push up/pike push up/handstand push up
3. push up/dip/ring dip
4. hollow rock/v-snap/transition drill/muscle up
5. 30 sec plank hold/t2b/k2e/ghd sit up

Workout: TBear Birthday Wod

AMRAP in 14 mins

41 double unders
41 goblet lunges -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4zZ6DQP5BI41
41 Kb Swings


10 Jul 2014



A few things to go over today. 

1. The Games are now less than  two weeks away and workouts are starting to be announced, living with a person who is going to the Games means lots of chatter about possible workouts and possible twists and turns. What we know so far is there will be an event on the beach, there will be a workout titled “Muscle Up Biathlon” and there will be a one rep max overhead squat event. Still around 9 other workouts give or take to be announced so nothing is really certain. 

2. In the coming weeks, date to be determined, Emily will be featured on BreakFast television. As soon as we find out more info I will be sure to share it with everyone. 

3. I am going to tweet and try to inform everyone throughout the Games weekend of how Emily is doing. I am pretty new the twitter scene but if you want to follow me @thomassarosi I will be sharing results, heat times and so on through out the weekend. I will be using #beersfan so if you are a twitterer and are following the Games try to use the same hashtag so we can show her the support she deserves. 


4. Keep being awesome




Warm Up:

6 rounds of
10/10 banded x walks
20 sec squat hold

Skill: running on E

score is amap squat weight + 1 lb for every rep completed in amap

front squat
work up to challenging 3 rep.
then drop to 50% for amap


pick your own weight

3 min amrap

power cleans

rest 3 min

3 min amrap

Coaching points:

Stay steady, find a pace where you can move for the entire 3 minutes, think about a nice slow heart rate and avoid muscle cleans at all costs.