20 Jul 2014
Nutts Cup Volunteering
Its that time again… The Annual Nutts Cup is upon is. The date is August 16th.
This is the best day our community has every year. It requires all of us to come together in one purpose. It is our flagship event at Mad Lab School of Fitness CrossFit Vancouver.
An occasion like this requires many volunteers. We can’t make it happen without YOU! YES YOU!
So if you have in your heart to donate your time and efforts please let us know.
If you would like to volunteer to be a judge or work with the tournament organization team then contact Shep at sheppy@madlab.ca. We really need judges. Don’t worry, we will train you.
If you would like to volunteer to be on the equipment team please contact andy@madlab.ca.
For any other volunteer positions, party organization etc…, please contact squad@madlab.ca.
Mucho Amore,
Warm Up:
shoulder prep
hip flexor stretch
scap stability
3 sets of max press+max push press
Workout: hudson hornet
AMRAP 14 min
6 shoulder to overhead 95/65
7 front squat
8 deadlifts
200m run
1 min rest
Coaching points:
Try to string the shoulder to overhead right in to the front squat and then drop the bar and jump right into the deadlifts. The run should be hard and fast seeing as you get to rest before moving back on to the barbell.
17 Jul 2014
Friends and/or Family?
The scientific journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences recently published a study that found people choose friends with similiar genes to their own. Really? I have similar genes to Craig Patterson?
“A study published on Monday found that people are apt to pick friends who are genetically similar to themselves – so much so that friends tend to be as alike at the genetic level as a person’s fourth cousin.
The findings were based on an examination of about 1.5 million markers of genetic variations in a group of nearly 2,000 people who had taken part in a long-running health study based in Massachusetts. The researchers compared people identified as friends to those who were not.
The study showed people were most similar to their friends in olfactory genes, which involve the sense of smell, and were least similar in relation to immune system genes. “Olfactory genes have a straightforward explanation: People who like the same smells tend to be drawn to similar environments, where they meet others with the same tendencies”.”
Read the full article here.
So here is some interesting evidence to support the findings in this study. Afghan’s newlywed wife, our very own Twinkle Toes Carolyn, is related to his best man, Mr Sean Cody. Weird right? Of course they did not know this until they met and even then it took a little research. Turns out Mr Cody has the same last name as some distant way far back relatives of Mrs Afghan. Crazy! Here is the kicker… The common link is “Buffalo Bill Cody”, American soldier, bison hunter and showman of American historical lore.
Perhaps Caroline and Dan have a penchant for stinky gyms (this is where they met). Dan and Sean played tons of hockey together back in the day. Coincidence? I think not.
See the resemblance?
Shep Shep
Warm Up:
6 rounds of
10/10 banded x walks
20 sec squat hold
back squat
6 sets x 2 reps of increasing weight
Workout: home sweet home
score is lowest 250m time
8 rounds
250m row
1 min plank
1 min rest
Coaching Points:
Lets see how it feels to hold a plank for 1 minutes while breathing hard.
Warm Up:
elbow prep
pec stretch
scap stability
EMOM 20 min pick one of each and pick a number from 3-12
1. ring row/bent over row/strict pull up
2. pike push up/ring push up/handstand push up
3. push up/ring dip/dip/
4. hollow rock/v-snap/transition drill/muscle up
5. 30 sec plank hold/t2b/k2e/ghd sit-up
20 min AMRAP
with a partner, alternating movements of
20 overhead lunges
200m run
20 sit ups
16 Jul 2014
Glute Logic
Genetics play a solid role in determining physique and function; however, don’t let that be the cruel dictator of your development. Measured, patient training will yield results matching gifted genes. Speaking of jeans; a fundamental appreciation in both sexes happens to be in how they fit. Men and women can know the importance of placing their (and others) rumps into a pair of any tailored pant. We should also acknowledge the athletic importance of the gluteals
The butt muscles are involved in hip extension, hip hyperextension, hip transverse abduction, hip abduction, and hip external rotation. These are unmatched in importance in athletic motions; sprinting, leaping, cutting, rotating, and fornicating.
Some people develop glutes quite well with squat and deadlift variations, genetics. Unfortunately a large population does not share the same results with these axial loaded exercises, dump butts. The glutes are essentially unloading at the top of these movements. Squats can place that butt on a full stretch and induce soreness for days; however, it’s only one dimension of development. On top of that, they have such a low level of glute activity, you rely on genetics again. Embrace change and make something of yourself.
This is where I advocate for training horizontal or anteroposterior load vectors; training jargon aside, get down, and assume the position: glute bridges, quadruped hip extensions, bird dogs, hip thrusts, lying abductions, clams, and fire hydrants. The glute fiber activity elicited by these movements is almost double that of its axial counterparts. You also don’t deal with the same spinal compression.
Effective glute development can set your hip neutral. Stabilization of the hips can help you develop everything above that level as well; stable hips translate into effective targeting of spinal erectors. With a neutral, stable spine, you can now more effectively develop the upper back and shoulders. The spine is the transmission of the system. The glutes are a powerful engine of change.
Say goodbye to chronic back pain and loose fitting pants. If you are looking to up your game, fill out those daisy dukes, or just balance your training, this is paramount.
- Activation and hip mobility/flexibility
- Hypertrophy (functional mass)
- Strength
- Power and Speed
Expect another gluteal onslaught come August,
Warm Up:
4 rounds
12 good mornings
30 sec glute bridge hold
12 bird dogs
10 deadlift, 5 cleans alternating movements. Movements will be done at different weights. Add weight each set to each movement.
Workout: the big bang
2 rounds of
16 Power cleans 135/95
16 burpees
2 rounds of
8 Squat cleans
8 burpees
2 rounds of
16 Power cleans 165/115
16 burpees
2 rounds of
8 Squat cleans
8 burpees
Coaching Points:
The goal is practice squat cleans and being quick under the bar when you have become tired. Hit the the first two rounds with haste but make sure you are dropping into a deep power clean and not muscle cleaning it. Once the squat cleans have been reach make sure that you are getting full hip extension and transition quickly under the barbell.
15 Jul 2014
Top On-The-Go Workouts for Travellers
Are looking for the best ways to stay fit on your trip abroad?
Would you like a detailed list of the best training facilities along your journey?
How about some great tips on eating clean while you’re away?
You’ll find all these answers, and more, in a blog post somewhere else. There are plenty of resources out there, especially in our community and blog; However; I’d like to advocate for a little R&R.
I was about 4 days in. We just arrived in a motel in Olomouc, Czech Republic. After few cat stretches and a sit down shower, I strolled over to the attached restaurant to commune with my fellow Chesteurotripstevezers. During my morning káva, it dawned on me; I’m just going to not work out, at all.
After a 10 hour flight to Schiphol; train to Amsterdam; 2 days in Amsterdam; 16 hour train to Prague; 2 hour train to Olomouc; I may have felt the urge to get a little something in to fire up the cylinders. Prior to the trip, I had made glute challenges, mobility blueprints, and other tidbits to stay on track; not to mention bringing my handy trigger point roller, lacrosse balls, and monster band. I made an on the spot gut decision to just cut it out. I’ve also always found it a bit obsessive and outlandish to workout on vacation.
The fact is, no matter what your fitness level, take some time off the regime. I’ve been gone for 2 weeks; foam rolled twice, and once performed Tabata Glute Holds seated in a car on route to Prague. I’ve consumed snacks, in-flight meals, beer, becherkova, goulash, fries, dinner dumplings, desert dumplings, cafe after cafe, shnitzel, dutch, czech, and french cuisines of sorts. I just returned on Monday and feel amazing. I’m refreshed mentality and a tad more cultured. My body is rested and ready for something new.
I’m not advocating just sitting on your ass in the sun; however, that’s essential pending on where you are. The amount of steps accumulated between myself and Breasty is pretty epic; historical castles, streets, and view points need a good foot. Just close the CrossFit Finder app, disconnect from the barbell, and stop L-sitting the motel toilet seat. Pick up where you left off or start something new, when you return.
You’ll gain more than you lose,
Return of The Chest
Warm Up:
elbow prep
pec stretch
scap stability
EMOM 20 min pick one of each and pick a number from 3-12
Add one rep to each of last weeks reps.
1. ring row/bent over row/strict pull up
2. pike push up/ring push up/handstand push up
3. push up/ring dip/dip/
4. hollow rock/v-snap/transition drill/muscle up
5. 30 sec plank hold/t2b/k2e/ghd sit-up
Workout: bon-bon
14min AMRAP
500m row
40 wall balls 20/14
30 pull ups
200m run
10 (5/5) pistols
Coaching Points:
The row should be pretty quick, not to much slower than last weeks 500m. The wall balls will slow a few people down, break into manageable sets and take minimal rest. Same goes on the pull ups. The run should be sprint folks, out the door hard and back in with a little less gusto. Pistols are to be done all 5 on one leg than all 5 on the other. If pistols need to be scaled, coaches please provide a progression that allow them to practice balance and accuracy with some missing depth being acceptable.