Doing Your Best to Avoid Ripped Hands | CrossFit VancouverCrossFit Vancouver
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Doing Your Best to Avoid Ripped Hands

Doing Your Best to Avoid Ripped Hands

There were a few ripped hands during yesterdays workout, I just wanted to let you guys you know that this will be a tough month on your hands and your grip.

Do your best to maintain your hands, not just this month but all the time. I’ll admit that I avoid shaving my hands more than anybody else; seeing as I never do it until its to late.

There will be a few griptastic workouts as well as some that require very little grip at all. It’s usually kipping pull ups that lead to the rips, and Ill let you guys in on a secret, you will be seeing more strict pull ups than kipping in the coming weeks. Is that good news or not? Depends on who you are.

So if you do happen to get a rip. My advice is to leave it. Apply some new skin liquid bandage and avoid tearing off that ugly piece of skin. There is the option of purchasing Ript Skin System, which is sold in the vending machine, it comes with a hand care kit and a guide on how to care for your hands.

The best way to avoid ripping, is to get the meat of the palm of your hand on top of the bar to allow for a hinge at the wrist, rather than jumping up somewhat carelessly and allowing a ton of friction between your hand and the bar.

If I rip, I rip, I don’t let it hold me back from another workout, sometimes taping your hands is a good preventative measure to avoid making tears worse, as are gymnastics grips, I have even super glued my hands if  the tear is large enough, I often just tell myself its part of the game and its something that I know may happen going into certain workouts.

Still, don’t be like me, do your best to maintain a healthy callus by shaving them or sanding them with a pummel stone. Even applying a small amount of chap stick daily can be a good thing.



Warm up: 4 rounds or 6 minutes of the following

1 length of figure 4 hip stretch

1 length of coaches choice

8 nice and controlled box jumps. practice landing nice and tall


Technique: begin EMOM at 25 after the hour

Warm up the clean

Every Minute On the Minute (EMOM) for 10 min @ 60%-70% of 1 rep max full clean

1 power clean+1 hang power clean

2 power clean+2 hang power clean

3 power clean+3 hang power clean

try to add a rep to each the power clean and the hang power clean each minute. If you fail a round, or just feel you need a round off, do so, and then continue on from where you left off. (ex: rest on the 5th minute, take the 6th minute off and start with 6 reps of each at the 7th minute)


Workout: start workout by 45 past the hour

13 min time cap – (pick a weight you can constantly do 5 power cleans in a row at)


Power cleans 145/100

Sit ups


  • By jordan 02 Sep 2013

    Is this post about me? “ripped hands” = “Jordan hand”

  • By Tom Sarosi 02 Sep 2013

    Its about many folks Jordan, but you were in initial inspiration

  • By Chesty 02 Sep 2013

    A sound point Tom. Ripped hands are not only a lack of care; Rips represent poor mechanics. The meat of the hand will provide a wider base. The key is not allowing the skin to “pinch and roll”, similar to the way men scratch their balls. Once this grip is secured, one may go about more volume. The more rotation and re-grip, the increased likelihood of tares. Your first rip gets you into the fraternity, the continued rips get you kicked out. I have only ripped once in the past year and a half (on a heavy clean); I have massive calluses. Moisture up and get right.

  • By Pinky 02 Sep 2013

    Uh oh, I tear all the time…I could never survive as a man/ball-scratcher…;)

  • By jordan 02 Sep 2013

    Do you get blisters when you scratch your balls? that’s not good.

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