Damn dogs, always getting in the way during workouts, eating their food messily and leaving bits all over the flloor, pulling balls out of the basket and not returning ‘em, jumping on my back when I’m trying to do push-ups….wait, never mind, I confused them with someone else I know.
Cutest pic EVER!!!!
Oh my god, look at all of them! Watch out for Travis and jen’s bulldog, he sat on my leg and left a poopie lil “stamp” hahahaha (sorry you two, it was so funny)
As a CrossFit athlete and coach, I know its hard to master all the things that come along with CrossFit. Classes are awesome, they build community like no other fitness regime out there, plus they are
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By Shep 31 Jan 2013
Awesome pic!
Meaty is side reclined. Beauty move.
We need more dogs.
By Fancypants 31 Jan 2013
Love this pic!
CFVan dogs
By eunice 31 Jan 2013
Was this before or after Travis’ dogs ran away with Poker’s new shiny kettlebell…scratching it in the process??
By Shelley 31 Jan 2013
We DO need more dogs! The more the better! Love these puppies…they need CFV sweaters
By Nathalie 31 Jan 2013
I love this
By pink Pig 31 Jan 2013
I hear Dog complaints all the time.
Where are the haters now?
By raquel 31 Jan 2013
There you go Paddy, doing what you do best. Em, didnt Trav offer to replace it?
By MOMMA BEAR 31 Jan 2013
I’m going to bring a cat in – mix it up a little. Let me know when it’s doggy day again. Then you’ll see kettle bells fly!
By Wendy 31 Jan 2013
Damn dogs, always getting in the way during workouts, eating their food messily and leaving bits all over the flloor, pulling balls out of the basket and not returning ‘em, jumping on my back when I’m trying to do push-ups….wait, never mind, I confused them with someone else I know.
By Pinky 01 Feb 2013
Cutest pic EVER!!!!
Oh my god, look at all of them! Watch out for Travis and jen’s bulldog, he sat on my leg and left a poopie lil “stamp” hahahaha (sorry you two, it was so funny)