Open Workout 15.1 | CrossFit VancouverCrossFit Vancouver

Open Workout 15.1

Open Workout 15.1

Its that time of year again, The Open. I have chatted with lots of people about signing up, some have been persuaded some have not. All good either way. Although I believe the saying is “the more the merrier”.

2015 games

The Open workout will be the class workout all day Friday so anyone wanting to give it a go is encouraged to come in and get it done.

If you are unable to attend or you are looking for a little more r&r before the workout I will be running a 1pm Open session Saturdays for the duration of the Open.

I would like the first heat to start at 1pm sharp. So people are encouraged to show up any time after noon to start warming up. Depending on what the workout is the heats will vary of course. I will post a heat schedule on the calendar at the gym and people will be able to sign up for a heat that works for them. Depending on the workout length there will likely be 3-5 heats.

I hope you guys all get a chance to do some of the workouts if not all.

If you are bored Saturday afternoon come on out and cheer on everyone who is throwing down.

Info tomorrow about the MadLab Surf Trip! Stay tuned!



*Make note if you are coming to class but doing the Open Saturday do all of the following minus the clean and jerk and the workout of course….

Open 15.1


20 face pulls
20 banded good mornings
2 min deadbug
12/12 single leg RDL
50 squats

Technique Work:

10 hollow rocks
12 tall muscle cleans
12 hang power cleans with slow pull
12 up and overs
12 tall muscle snatch
12 behind the neck push press
12 snatch balance

work up to about 75% of max clean and jerk

Workout: 15.1

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 9 minutes of:
15 toes-to-bars
10 deadlifts (115 / 75 lb.)
5 snatches (115 / 75 lb.)


1-rep-max clean and jerk
6-minute time cap


2 min couch stretch
50 supine laying dislocates
4 min per side on ankles and calves

Notes (from games site)
These workouts begin with the athlete standing under their pull-up bar with the barbell loaded to the appropriate weight. After 15 toes-to-bars (sit-ups or hanging knee raises for scaled divisions) are completed the athlete will move to the barbell to perform 10 deadlifts followed by 5 snatches. After the last snatch is completed the athlete will move back to the pull-up bar and start their next round.

Your score for Workout 15.1 will be the total number of repetitions completed.

As soon as the clock reaches 9 minutes and Workout 15.1 is complete, Workout 15.1a will begin with the same running clock. The athlete will have from 9:00 to 15:00 to complete Workout 15.1a.

The same barbell must be used for both 15.1 and 15.1a. The athlete must load their own barbell and may not receive assis- tance. Prior to each lift you must state what weight you are about to attempt. Plates smaller than 1⁄2 lb. may not be used. There is no limit to the number of attempts within the 6-minute time limit.

Your score for Workout 15.1a will be the weight (in pounds) that you successfully clean and jerk.

Should the athlete choose to redo the workout, you must withdraw your scores for both 15.1 and 15.1a and resubmit both scores from the second attempt. You may not use your score from your first attempt at 15.1 and your score from your second attempt at 15.1a or vice versa.

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