O-Lifting Monday | CrossFit VancouverCrossFit Vancouver
1980 Clark Drive, Vancouver BC V5N 0A9
 | (604) 253-1261

O-Lifting Monday

O-Lifting Monday

Check out that rack!

Take some advice from Greg Everett and work on a quick turn over to get to that super solid front rack position in a flash.  Improving the clean through a better turnover.

Monday’s Lesson Plan

Coaches, go over the technique review prior to the warm up then set your students loose.  They’ll then have 35 minutes to get through the warm-up and following technique session.

Warm Up:  Barbell Complex

Grab an empty barbell and go through the following sequence 4 times:

-5 reps dead lift
-5 reps hang power clean
-5 reps shoulder press
-5 reps front squat
-5 reps push press

Tech: Clean and Jerk

Work up to a pristine yet heavy 1 rep clean and jerk.  Warm up some progressively heavier front squats on your way up in weight.

WOD:  Front Squats and Knuckles-to-Nipples Ring Pull-Ups

-7 minutes AMRAP front squats at 80% of your Clean and Jerk weight from tech session. (no racks)
-Rest 3 minutes
-5 minutes AMRAP Knuckle-to-Nipple ring pull-ups. (use the false grip, it’ll be way easier!)

Score is total reps.  If you don’t have the ring pull-ups as prescribed do static supine-grip (underhanded) pull-ups on the bar.  Go to a band if necessary but no kipping!  :)

Thursday’s Ladder Board WOD is going to be Diane.


Bill, Ben and Patty


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