Taxes on the Brain? | CrossFit VancouverCrossFit Vancouver
1980 Clark Drive, Vancouver BC V5N 0A9
 | (604) 253-1261

Taxes on the Brain?

Taxes on the Brain?

If you’re like me, you’re still sorting through receipt, scrambling to get your taxes filed before the deadline.

I caught up with an early-morning riser – Jim the Accountant – for some last minute advice. He shares three simple but useful tips for entrepreneurs or independent contractors.

Friday’s Warm Up:

Coach’s Choice

Friday’s Skill/Str Element:

A. 5 Deadlift, 3 sets

B. 3/3 Beaupre (5sec) Hold, 3 sets

Friday’s Workout:


30 Muscle Ups for Time.


For those without a MU:

15 reps Ring Dip/Dip/Pushup Negative (8 sec decent*)

15 reps Pullup/Ring Row Negative (8 sec decent*)

Mix and Match

The scaled version is  not ‘for time’, treat this as part 2 of your Strength Work today.

*I feel its necessary to mention: if while doing the scaled version of today’s workout, you’re unable to keep a consistant tempo, my advice is the same as it would be for someone who gets stick on their MUs midway through a work out: Take more rest between attempts.


Saturday’s Warm Up:

Coach’s Choice


Saturday’s Skill/Str Element:

Groove workout movements


Saturday’s Workout:

Like FGB

1min WallBall

1min Power Snatch (75/55lbs)

1min Box Step Up (24″/20″)

1min Shoulder to Overhead (75/55lbs)

1min Row (cal)

1min Rest

3 rounds


Coaches, in the event of a large class, start athletes at different stations. Firebreathers start at WB.

Athletes, workout requires Box Step ups, no Box Jumps today.


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