Wednesday – Partner Up!
Another reminder folks, from now on please park on the street. I repeat STREET PARKING please!
Now onto business.Wednesday is our traditional day dedicated to improving our gymnastics skills. From time to time I have broken with this tradition, but not today. Bring on the body weight movements!
Technique: Handstand practice and handstand push-up practice. Work on your progressions whether it be against a wall, with a spotter or freestanding.
Workout: Partner Up (no leader board today)
Alright here’s the deal. You and your partner must work together in order to do this workout.
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
20 partner sit-ups – hook ankles, touch your shoulders to the ground come up and give your partner 10 (i.e. slap hands)
20 box jumps – 10 per partner, alternate back and forth
10 partner pistols – grab wrists with your partner and use each other as counterweights to do the pistols
10 partner handstand push-ups – each partner performs 5 handstand push-ups with or without the assistance of your partner
Bradleah and Lumber demonstrating assisted handstand push-ups.
By Shep 27 Apr 2011
He he he.
Think I saw them do that by the pool in Mexico.
By Eagle 27 Apr 2011
Actually they were done the workout when this picture was taken. They were just doing it for fun.
By Hollywood 27 Apr 2011
Kama Sutra??
By Lars 28 Apr 2011
Few positions are more romantic then the “oil rigger”